Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Thursday, September 15, 2011

"Dear Rylee" (15 Months)

Dear Rylee,
Today, you are 15 months old. You don't know what that means yet, but this is a big deal to Mommy. You are getting so big so quickly, and I have to admit, it makes me a little sad. Fifteen months ago, you were a brand new baby who totally depended on me for absolutely everything. Now, although you do still have to depend on me for everything, you like to try to do most things on your own. Although this is often amusing, I don't always like this. I miss my little baby. Don't get me wrong - it is such a joy to watch you grow and learn new things... but it's very bittersweet at the same time. You'll understand someday. Since I haven't written a post about you in a while, I thought today would be a good day to update on what you're up to these days. It seems like you learn/do something new every day. So, here we go...

You love to "talk" to us, but we can't understand most of what you're trying to say yet (although you look at us like we should know exactly what you're saying... clearly you've learned some foreign language we haven't mastered yet). However, there are several words and a couple of short phrases you can say: "Hi", "Bye/Bye-bye", "kitty", "baby", "Bambi", "All done!", "teeth", "Who's that?", "Amen", "Mama", "Dada/Daddy", "Nana", "Papa", "Bob", and "cheese". There may be a few more words, but those are the main ones I can think of right now.
You love getting and giving "butterfly" and "Eskimo" kisses. So sweet.
You love kissing your baby brother in Mommy's belly. Sometimes you'll also give him hugs and blow raspberries on him. I think you're going to be a good big sister.
You love to dance, and it is so cute to watch. Anytime a song comes on the radio or TV, you start bouncing up and down and shaking your head. It'll be interesting to see if you got your Mommy's "groove" or Daddy's... right now, it's looking more like Mommy's. Bless your heart.
You can be a very picky eater, but some of the foods you like include: Cheerios, Goldfish crackers, chicken nuggets, yogurt, oranges, bananas, grapes, strawberries, graham crackers, mashed potatoes, ice cream, cookies, bread/crust, pancakes, popsicles, and oatmeal.
You will often say "Mmm!" when you take a bite of food that you like.
The only things you drink right now are whole milk, water, and a half juice/half water mix. Mommy doesn't want you to have carbonated drinks, tea, and other things like that. They're not healthy for you. (I think Daddy has sneaked you a few sips of sweet tea a couple times, though...)
You know how to drink from a straw.
You love to "read" books. I have to watch you closely with them, though, because you can get a little too rough with them sometimes. Lately, you have been trying to eat them. I don't want you to tear them up.
You won't really watch cartoons or anything like that yet (we've tried to get you to watch Disney movies, etc. with us, but you quickly lose interest), but you LOVE to watch "Wheel of Fortune". Every time one of the contestants solves a puzzle, you clap for them. You are such a smart little girl!
You like to give "high fives", and Daddy recently taught you how to shake hands.
You know where your nose, hair, eyes, mouth, teeth, belly, and feet are.
You love when Mommy or Nana sing songs to you. Some of your favorites include: "Itsy Bitsy Spider" (you put your little fingers together and try to do the hand motions), "Jesus Loves Me", "Humpty Dumpty", "Zacchaeus", "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean", and "Patty Cake".
You love to play "Peek-a-boo". Anytime we say "Where's Rylee?!", you will quickly cover your face with your hands and "hide" from us. Your aunt Mana taught you that. It is so funny.
If we ask you "Did you swallow?", you will open your mouth wide and stick your tongue out. Daddy taught you this.
You love babies. Every time you see a picture of a baby, you will point and say "Hi Baby!"
You LOVE to "talk" on the phone. You are constantly stealing Mommy's cell phone, and you will hold it up to your ear and say "Hi" or "Hello". You love to push the buttons on it. I have to keep a close eye on you, because you have accidentally called people and changed people's phone numbers in my contacts (one day, I tried to call Papa and realized you had apparently added four or five extra digits to the end of his cell phone number).
You like to have your picture taken. Often times, if you see me with the camera, you will "strike a pose" and smile for me. Sometimes you'll even say "Cheese!"
You hate getting your fingernails and toe nails clipped. Sorry, but this is just something that has to be done from time to time.
You now have 6 teeth - 2 on the bottom, and 4 up top. You got your first two (the ones on the bottom) when you were 10 months old, and the ones on top started coming in last month.
You like having your teeth brushed, but you're still getting used to it. You usually just try to suck on the tooth brush (you like the flavor of your toothpaste).
You love bath time. This is a good thing.
You have been walking since you were 12 months old, and you are getting into EVERYTHING now, so Daddy created a "chair wall" using the chairs from our kitchen table to help keep you corralled in the living room. This helps Mommy a lot, because it absolutely wears me out chasing you around all day.
You're not even a year and a half old yet, but you are already displaying "terrible two's" behavior on a regular basis. Lord, help us!
You can be very dramatic when you don't get your way. I have no idea where you get this from.

You test my patience, frustrate me, poop on me, throw up on me, leave bruises on me, pull my hair, make me cry, and flat-out wear me out every day... but I wouldn't trade a second of any of it for the entire world.
You bring so much joy and purpose to my life, and you will NEVER EVER know how much I love you.


photo taken Sept. 8, 2011

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