Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Sunday, September 4, 2011

22 Weeks

Today, I am 22 weeks pregnant with my precious Ryan. Another week closer to the big day when I can finally hold him in my arms. A friend of mine just gave birth to a baby boy on Thursday, and seeing pictures of him makes me that much more excited to meet my own baby boy in a few months. I just cannot wait.
As with the last few pregnancy update posts, I don't really feel like I have all that much to say in the way of any actual updates. Everything is still going very well as far as I know/can tell.
I'm feeling pretty good overall, other than backaches and sciatica pain every now and then.
I am for sure having Braxton Hicks contractions every now and then. They're not painful or anything (not yet, anyway) - just a bit uncomfortable in the sense that my stomach tenses up and gets really tight. I had them when I was pregnant with Rylee, so I'm very familiar with them. It'll be interesting to see if they get as strong as they did when I was pregnant with her. I have a feeling they probably will.
I get worn out (out of breath) pretty easily, especially when I have to hold/carry Rylee or chase her around for a while. She's getting so big.
Speaking of Rylee getting big, I guess I better mention that I'M getting bigger every day as well (which is to be expected, of course). I haven't weighed myself since my doctor appointment this past Monday, but I wouldn't be surprised if I've already gained another pound or two. I really don't think I'm eating any more than I normally would even if I wasn't pregnant, but I still feel like I'm just getting bigger faster. I have been wanting sweets a lot lately (although that's pretty much how I always am, regardless of whether or not I'm pregnant). Cookies, ice cream, brownies... I love it all. Anyway, I'll be anxious to find out how much I weigh at my next doctor check-up in a few weeks on the 26th.
Ryan's movements are getting stronger/more obvious every day, and I am loving it. I love being able to feel him move - it's by far my favorite part of being pregnant. There is just no other feeling in the world like it.
I have been sleeping like a ROCK lately (for several weeks now, actually), which really surprises me, but I certainly can't complain. I usually take a nap with Jordan every afternoon while Rylee is napping, and I sleep like a baby, and the same goes with my sleep during the night. Jordan always tries to give me a kiss and tell me goodbye before he leaves for work in the afternoons and early in the morning, and I rarely ever remember it. Of course I have an "off" night every now and then (in fact, I think I woke up in the middle of the night last night because I had to go to the bathroom), but overall, it has been really nice getting some good, solid sleep. I'm certainly enjoying it while I can, because I know it will be short-lived.
Now that we know I'm having a boy, I'm excited to set up baby registries at a couple of stores. I don't even care if we don't get anything... it's just fun to go through the store and scan all the cute stuff on our baby "wish lists". We'll probably register at Walmart and Target, just like we did when I was pregnant with Rylee. Not sure exactly when we'll do this, but hopefully maybe in the next couple of weeks. I'll try to remember to post links to the online registries here in my blog whenever we get them set up.
Anyway, that's about all I can think of for now. I'm starting to get pretty sleepy, so my mind is going blank. I'll leave you with an updated belly picture. Here are me and Ryan tonight at 22 weeks:

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