Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Monday, September 26, 2011

25 Weeks

Yesterday, I entered the 25th week of my pregnancy with Ryan. We're just a few days away from a double-digit countdown now (days-wise, that is... we're 104 days away from my due date today)! Once again, I wanted to wait until today to do this update post, partly because I didn't feel like posting last night, and partly because I had another doctor check-up this afternoon, and I wanted to include the updates from it as well.
My check-up went well today, as usual, thankfully (and there was a MUCH shorter wait than last time, praise the Lord!).
My blood pressure was good (110/68).
Ryan's heart rate was 166 beats-per-minute today, which surprised me, since it's been 148 beats-per-minute the last three times we've been there. The nurse asked me what I ate for lunch, and when I said "Tacos", she giggled and said, "Yeah, he might be a little gassy today" (thus the higher heart rate). Obviously we don't know if that's the case or not, but regardless, his heart was still beating away nice and strong, and that's all that matters. I always love hearing his heart beat... such a beautiful sound. Music to my ears for sure.
The nurse also measured my "height of fundus" (the length from the top of my belly to the bottom) today. I had never heard that term until I was pregnant with Rylee, but I learned an interesting fact about it: when a woman gets to a certain point in her pregnancy, her "height of fundus" (the number of the measurement in centimeters) should mirror the number of weeks pregnant she is (unless she's carrying multiples, of course... or she's just gaining too much weight). For example, I am 25 weeks pregnant, and my "height of fundus" today measured 26 centimeters. So technically, my belly is measuring one week ahead of where I actually am, according to my due date, but that's perfectly okay. I think I've just got a big boy growing in there.
As far as my weight gain goes, Dr. Dupre says it is "phenomenal". I seriously think he used that word at least two or three times talking to me about it... "phenomenal". I've gained 5 pounds since my visit last month, so I'm up to 118 pounds now (a total pregnancy weight gain so far of 11 pounds). I'm glad he thinks I'm doing so great (seriously, I am... no one wants to hear from her doctor that she's not doing well, especially when she's pregnant), but I was so tempted to say, "Seriously, Doc? Forget what the scale says... do you see me? DO YOU SEE THIS BELLY?!" I feel so big already. The scale just isn't really reflecting it yet, I guess (and I'm certainly not complaining about that).
Anyway, that was about it from my appointment today. Like I said, all still seems to be going very well, so I'm very thankful. I go back in four more weeks on October 24th for my next check-up. I'll be doing my glucose test that day, so hopefully all of that will go well. I remember when I was pregnant with Rylee, I was SO nervous about the glucose test, not because I had to have blood drawn (oh, if only I had a dollar for every time I've had blood drawn... I'd be pretty well-off by now), but because I had to drink that "stuff". I had heard horror stories from people about how terrible the drink tasted, and that they weren't able to keep it down. Other people told me that it didn't taste bad at all... just tasted like a strong soda. Well... I certainly don't want to drink something that tastes so horrible I throw it back up, AND I don't like ANY sodas, so neither situation was a "winner" for me. And you have to fast for a certain amount of time before you drink the stuff, and you have to drink it within 5 minutes... and I'm just not always good with those kinds of "conditions". However, when it came time to drink the stuff, I did fine with it. At the suggestion of the nurses at my doctor's office, I had put it in the refrigerator so it would be nice and cold, and it really didn't taste bad at all. I had no trouble drinking it within 5 minutes, and I had no trouble keeping it down. And thankfully, when I went to have my blood drawn, I passed the test with no problem. So anyway, I'm not at all concerned about it this time around. Dr. Dupre fully expects me to pass it again with no problem, so that makes me feel good, too.
Anyway, I reckon that's about all I've got for now, so I'll go ahead and post my belly picture from last night and leave you until next time. Here's my ever-growing belly at 25 weeks:

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