Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Much-Needed Encouragement

As I've mentioned in my last two or three posts, I've been having a pretty hard time adjusting to being a mommy of two young kids. If I remember correctly, people told me it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, but so far, I'm not sure if they really know what they were talking about. It's been rough - and I mean REALLY rough. I am physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted, and my relationship with God is suffering greatly at a time when I desperately need it to be thriving, simply because I feel too tired to read my Bible or even to find the words to pray (I know there's no excuse, though, and I've GOT to find a way to get back to having a consistent "quiet time" with the Lord). Ryan keeps me up all night long, and Rylee disobeys me all day long. I feel like all I do all day every day (aside from change diapers, of course) is discipline her, and no matter what I do, NOTHING works. Two seconds later, she's right back to doing whatever it was I just got on to her about. It is SO frustrating, but I never realized how emotionally draining it could be as well. Some days, she literally brings me to tears, because I feel like I am failing as a mother. If I'm a "good" mom, why on earth is my child so... "bad"? I hate to even say that, because I love Rylee with all my heart (duh), and she really is a very sweet girl. But her behavior lately has been terrible overall. She terrorizes our cat (pulls her tail, hits her, throws her toys at her, etc.), screams at the top of her lungs and pitches a fit whenever she doesn't get what she wants, tells us "NO!" whenever we tell her to do something, and gets into EVERYTHING that she knows she's not supposed to get into. She's not even two years old yet... if she's already acting like this, what am I supposed to expect from her as she gets older?!
Anyway, I say all of that to mention that yesterday, I happened to take a minute to read a post on one of the blogs I follow, Kelly's Korner. I am so thankful I read it, because it was exactly what I needed for what I am going through right now with my challenges with Rylee. If you are a parent of a young child, I highly encourage you to take a minute and read the post. Maybe it will bless you like it did me. I wanted to blog about it, because I'm sure I will need to come back to this MANY times for an encouraging reminder that I'm really not alone in this battle/blessing we call "motherhood".

*Unrelated side-note: Yesterday, Ryan turned 4 weeks old. Tomorrow morning, I have to take him to his pediatrician for his 4-week check-up. I know I haven't been blogging much lately (and for good reason... I've been a little busy...), but I will do my best to post an update sometime tomorrow on how the appointment goes, along with some recent pictures.

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