Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Monday, August 1, 2011

Doctor Check-Up

Today, I went to my OB/GYN for another pregnancy check-up. The appointment was pretty quick today - in and out in less than half an hour, I think. As usual, everything seems to be going well so far, thankfully.
I weighed in at 109 pounds today, meaning I've gained 4 pounds since my appointment four weeks ago, and overall, I'm up 2 pounds from my starting pregnancy weight of 107 pounds.
My blood pressure was good, as always.
Baby's heart rate was 148 beats per minute, which is much slower than it was at our last appointment, but still fine. I always love hearing that beautiful sound... it is music to my ears.
We chatted with Dr. Dupre for a few minutes, and then it was time to schedule my next appointment and head home. Dr. Dupre will be out of town during my 20th week, but he said I can go ahead and go into the office for an ultrasound on the 22nd so we don't have to wait an extra week to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl. Then, I'll just go back again the following week on the 29th to see him for my regular check-up. I am so happy we only have to wait three more weeks - instead of the usual four - to find out what our baby is... I think I would've gone crazy that last week.
So, we're getting close... 21 more days until we can start calling "Baby R" by an actual name. Can't wait!

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