Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Monday, August 15, 2011

19 Weeks

Well, another week is gone, and it's time once again for another pregnancy update. Before I get to that, though, I figured I'd share a bit about this past week.
On Thursday, my parents and sister got home from the family reunion they went to up in Wisconsin. I REALLY wish I had been able to go, but unfortunately, it didn't work out. I missed them while they were all gone, so it was good to see them when they got back. Rylee and I went to town with Mom and Amanda on Friday to get some school supplies for Amanda. It wore me out pretty quickly, but it was nice just to be with them for a while. We ended up getting some Marco's Pizza for dinner before we headed home, so that was a definite treat.  

At some point this past week, I caught a glimpse inside Rylee's mouth, and noticed that she is FINALLY getting her third tooth! One of her two top front teeth has officially broken through her gums. Having said that, it actually looks like her entire top front row of teeth are going to come in at any moment. She has had just her two bottom teeth for about four months now, so it'll be weird to see her with more. I'm just hoping the teething won't be too bad for her. So far, it doesn't seem to be bothering her. Let's hope it stays that way.

Last night, Jordan, Rylee, and I had dinner and hung out with our friends Phil and Hayley and their three little girls (their youngest is the baby I posted about back in early July). We got some burgers from Steak 'n Shake, put a Disney movie (Tangled... super cute if you haven't seen it yet) on for the girls, and played a couple rounds of Uno. It was a pretty laid-back visit, but it was full of laughter (as always), and I had such a great time. I am so thankful to have friends like them. We've only known them for about a year, but it is such a blessing to have friends our age who are at the same stage in life as we are (a young married couple raising young kids). Most of my good friends my age (the ones I graduated high school with, etc.) aren't at the same stage in life as I am anymore (yet) since I got married and started a family so young. Although I love them all dearly, it's nice to also have friends whom Jordan and I can relate to as a married couple and parents.

That's about all I can think of in the way of updates from this past week, so I reckon I'll move on to the pregnancy update part of this post now.
Yesterday, I entered the 19th week of my pregnancy. I can't believe I am just one week away from the halfway mark now. Overall, I think this pregnancy has gone by pretty quickly so far. Rylee keeps me busy, so I don't have much time to think about the fact that I'm pregnant.
Everything still seems to be going well so far. I'm feeling pretty good overall, other than the fact that I have noticed that my sciatica is definitely starting to flare up again as of this past week. It's not NEAR as bad (so far, anyway) as it got while I was pregnant with Rylee, but it makes me nervous that it's starting to bother me again, because I know how bad it could potentially get, and I am NOT looking forward to dealing with that again. We'll just have to see what happens... unfortunately, there's really nothing I can do to prevent it.
I feel the baby kick every now and then, but so far it's still not much movement. I'll take what I can get, though - I love feeling those precious kicks. It seems to me that this baby is much lower than Rylee was at this point in my pregnancy. When I first started feeling her kick, I think I remember it being more in the middle of my stomach. It feels like this baby, however, is kicking me in my "personal area" a lot of the time. I don't even know how it's possible for him/her to be that low without just falling out.
I woke up in the middle of the night for the first time last night because I had to go to the bathroom. I'm not ready to have to start doing that every night yet, but I know at some point, it'll probably be inevitable.
We find out in ONE WEEK from today if our little miracle is a boy or a girl. I am so ready to know, I can hardly stand it! And of course I'm excited to just "see" my baby again. He/she is going to look SO different from that little "blob" we first saw at 7 weeks. I am praying everything (the heart, organs, etc.) will look just as it should... I just want my baby to be healthy. I will do an "announcement" post with pictures from the ultrasound as soon as I can after we get home from the appointment. I know I will be itching to share the exciting news, whatever it is.
My belly is definitely growing quickly. Here is a belly picture and a couple of full-body pictures Jordan took of me last night at exactly 19 weeks:

That's all I have for now. Until next time...

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