Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Monday, August 29, 2011

21 Weeks

Yesterday, I entered the 21st week of my pregnancy with Ryan. I have now officially been pregnant longer than the amount of time I have left before he is in my arms! 19 weeks to go!
I wanted to wait until today to do this post, because I went to the doctor for another check-up earlier today. Boy, let me tell you about that! (Don't worry - everything is fine with me and the baby.)
My appointment was at 11. Rylee and I pulled into the office parking lot at 10:40. Jordan was already there waiting for us (he headed straight there once he got off work from UPS). I could tell as soon as I pulled into the parking lot that they were busy - I had to park all the way down on the side of the building. I've never had to do that before (usually there are at least one or two spaces available directly in front of the building. Anyway, Jordan met me at my car to get Rylee, and we walked into the office together. The place was PACKED. I signed in and found the only available seat left. Jordan had to sit on the floor next to me with Rylee. We waited. And waited. And waited. 11 o'clock came, but the room was still packed, and I knew my name was nowhere close to getting called. I told Jordan he might as well just take Rylee home, because she was going to be getting hungry for lunch soon. They left, and I continued to sit and wait. And wait. And wait. SLOWLY, the people in the room around me were called back one by one. I checked the time on my phone every little while. 11:30 passed. Then 11:45. And still, I waited. After over an hour of waiting, I asked a receptionist if I could go back to the restroom and go ahead and leave a urine sample, since I knew they would need one anyway. When I was done, I went BACK out to the waiting room and waited some more. I'm actually not sure what time it was when I FINALLY got called back, but it had to be close to 12:30. I was the last person in the waiting room. Even people who had arrived after me got called back before I did. Figures.
Anyway, I made my way back to an examination room, and a nurse checked my weight, blood pressure, and Ryan's heart rate. I now weigh 113 pounds, which means I've gained 4 pounds since my appointment four weeks ago. (I've gained a total of 6 pounds since my starting pregnancy weight of 107 pounds, or 8 pounds if you consider the fact that I lost two pounds in the beginning of my pregnancy.) My blood pressure was good, as always. Ryan's heart rate was nice and steady at 148 beats per minute, which is what it was the last two times they checked it before today as well (in the ultrasound last Monday and at my appointment four weeks ago). So I guess he's found his groove.
Anyway, after the nurse got the information she needed, she left the room, and I sat and waited SOME MORE. Finally, Dr. D came in. I could tell by the expression on his face that it had been quite a day. We had a good chat, and he said I looked great, as always. And then finally, about 10 minutes before 1 in the afternoon, I walked back out to my car to go home.
Next time, I'll remember to take a pillow and a blanket so I can take a nap or something until they're ready for me. Or at least a Sudoku puzzle book or something to help pass the time a bit. Anyway, that's the only real updates I have for now, I guess. Still no major new developments, which is fine. All is going well, and I'm thankful. And so, Ryan and I embark on another week together. Grow, Baby, grow!
Here's the belly picture Jordan took of me last night:
Getting bigger! Until next time...

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