Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

We All Scream For Ice Cream

If a stranger were to walk into my house right now and look in my freezer, I think he or she would immediately know I was pregnant. Why? Well... because this is what is currently in my freezer (among other frozen goods, of course):
That's right... FIVE containers of Breyers ice cream. Confession: there was actually a SIXTH container of the Chips Ahoy! kind, but it's already gone (we took it over to my parents' house on Monday afternoon to share with them for our Memorial Day lunch. I didn't like it very much, so I didn't mind sharing. (On that note, I'm not pleased with the Whoppers kind either, which is a big disappointment to me, since Whoppers are one of my favorite kinds of candy.)). Anyway, I know it might seem a bit overboard to have this much ice cream at one time, but Publix had them on sale for buy one, get one free last week, and I had coupons for them as well, so I feel those two things together justified the purchase. Besides, it's not like it's going to go to waste around here. All five of those containers will probably be gone by sometime next week. (Another confession: the Whoppers kind and the Waffle Cone kind are both almost already gone.) Hey, it's summer, and it's starting to get HOT outside. So, bring on the ice cream!
On a totally different, unrelated note, we had a little "issue" with the large Bradford Pear tree in our front yard (the one that I've posted pictures of before in a previous post). By "issue", I mean that when Jordan walked out to his truck early yesterday morning to leave for work, this is what he saw (except it was still dark outside, so he couldn't see EVERYTHING; I took these pictures later in the morning):

That's right. We FINALLY get his truck paid off, and then a HUGE tree limb decides to fall on the hood. Figures. You would think we must have had some severe weather, or at least some strong winds, to cause the limb to split from the trunk, right? WRONG. This is simply typical Bradford Pear tree behavior. THANKFULLY, the fallen limb completely missed our house (the tree is right in front of our bedroom windows), and although it fell on the truck, it didn't actually dent it or leave any major scratches. We got lucky for sure. Unfortunately, we have now lost a good bit of the natural shade the tree provided for our bedroom. I'm also nervous about leaving the remainder of the tree up. Now that we know how easily the limbs can fall - and possibly the entire rest of the tree - I don't want to risk it falling on our house. It would look so weird to not have that big tree in front of the house, but it might be for the best.
Anyway, I reckon that's it for this post. I'll leave you with this, though: my baby girl will be a year old in exactly two weeks from today. YIKES!

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