Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Monday, June 20, 2011

11 Weeks/Father's Day

I am so behind on my blog right now. So much has been going on the past week or two - all things I want to blog about - but I just haven't had much time to actually sit down and do it. I completely missed blogging about my 10th week of pregnancy because Jordan and I were on vacation in Tennessee for our two-year anniversary. I've been working on a post about that trip for a few days now, when I've had a few spare minutes, and I'm still nowhere near finishing it. Hopefully I'll be able to post it in the next day or two, but we'll see. I promise it's coming, though. I did take a few minutes the other day to do a short post on Rylee's birthday so I wouldn't miss that, but we had a birthday party for her on Saturday (two days ago) that I want to post about, so be on the lookout for that as well. Right now, though, I wanted to try to do a quick pregnancy update since I entered my 11th week yesterday. I don't want to get two weeks behind. Yesterday was also Father's Day, so I'll post a few pictures of Rylee and Jordan, etc.
First things first - I am now 11 weeks pregnant. I still haven't noticed too many changes in the symptoms I'm experiencing yet, except the fact that my sciatica is slowly but surely getting worse (I was hurting pretty badly during Rylee's party on Saturday). I'm praying it won't get as bad as it did while I was pregnant with Rylee, but I'm afraid it will since it's flaring up so early this time. I'm still experiencing nausea on and off throughout the day (although I felt pretty great ALMOST the entire time we were in Tennessee, which was definitely a blessing), but as long as I eat often, that helps a lot. I still get worn out pretty easily, but overall, I don't feel as fatigued as I did the first few weeks. I took a belly picture last night, and I can definitely see a bit of a difference between it and my belly picture from my 9th week (I missed taking one for week 10). I don't know that I've gained any weight yet, but my tummy is definitely starting to pooch out a little. Here's the belly picture:
I can tell that I'm growing faster this time around than I did when I was pregnant with Rylee. Anyway, that's about it in the way of a pregnancy update for now.
As I mentioned above, yesterday was Father's Day. My daddy is actually staying with us right now (he drove up from Florida on Wednesday to be here for Rylee's birthday/party), so it was nice to be able to visit with him yesterday. Here are a few pictures I took yesterday:
Below are a few pictures of Jordan and Rylee on Father's Day last year - their first Father's Day together. Rylee was only five days old. I can't believe how much she's grown. It has been a quick year.

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