Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Sunday, May 29, 2011

8 Weeks

Today, I am 8 weeks pregnant. It feels like a milestone (and really, every week is), simply because it has been such a LONG week. It has just dragged on for some reason. I feel like I found out I was pregnant forever ago already, so it's weird to think that I'm only 8 weeks. Even still, I'm that much closer to my January 8th due date than I was two weeks ago.
I don't think there's really anything new or different to write about, as far as pregnancy updates go. I'm still tired all the time, and I still get nauseous at random times throughout the day (but still no vomiting so far, THANKFULLY). I have to eat often, or I'll feel sick, but it's getting harder to find things that I actually feel like eating. The last few days, the only meat I can really bear to think about eating is chicken... I don't really want anything to do with any red meat. Unless, of course, it was that nice, big, juicy steak I mentioned in my first pregnancy post... I can't remember the last time I had a steak, and for some reason, it's the only red meat that sounds appealing to me recently. I still haven't gotten my Olive Garden fix yet either, but my daddy offered to take me out for one of the two cravings I mentioned having when he comes up from Florida for Rylee's birthday in a couple weeks (holy cow... RYLEE'S BIRTHDAY IS IN A COUPLE WEEKS!), and my dad offered to take me out for a steak, so I'd say between the two of them, I'll hopefully get some "relief" soon.
I have already noticed some slight sciatica pain in my tailbone area, and it really makes me nervous that it's already apparently flaring up. I'm praying it won't be too severe this time around, but I wouldn't be surprised if it is, especially since I've already had it before when I was pregnant with Rylee. I didn't start experiencing the pain from it during my pregnancy with her until I was at least half-way through it, though, so I'm afraid it's going to be even worse this go-around since it's "showing its face" so early.
I still don't really have a strong feeling one way or another about whether I think this baby is a girl or a boy. I don't know if it's just because I don't want to be wrong about it or what, but with Rylee, I just knew from the very beginning that she was going to be a girl. This time around, I don't really have that same type of feeling. Several people, including some of my family, have told me they think this one is going to be a boy, though, and parts of me think it is. Jordan and Rylee and I visited with some friends of ours for a few hours last night. Hayley (the wife) is pregnant with their third girl. Just for fun, we tied my wedding ring to a strand of my hair and held it over my belly to test the old wives' tale about gender prediction. It says that if the ring starts to swing in a forward and backward motion, the baby is a boy, and if it swings in a circular motion, the baby is a girl. Well, I held it very still over my belly, and all of a sudden, it started swinging back and forth. I did it two or three times, and it did the same thing every time. Then, Hayley held it over her belly, and it immediately started going in a huge circular motion. It was SO weird. She did it one more time, and again, it moved in a circular motion. Of course we won't know for sure if it was right about me for several more weeks, but supposedly, I'm going to have a boy! I wish now that I had done it back when I was pregnant with Rylee, so I could've compared the "results", but I never did. Jordan and I are both hoping this baby is a boy, because we'd love to have one of each, but I'll be just as happy and thankful if it turns out to be another girl. We'll certainly be prepared if it's another girl, too, because I haven't gotten rid of ANYTHING of Rylee's so far.
On Thursday, my sweet friend, Katrina (you know, the one who writes my FAVORITE blog of ALL TIME), got the baby his/her very first gift. She is going to be the baby's (and Rylee's) honorary "Aunt Nina", and she was so excited that she beat everyone to the gift-giving. I worked at my pastor's coffee shop for a few hours every day this week, and Katrina, her sister, and her two precious nieces came in to visit me for a bit. Katrina put the gift in the tip jar for me (she's creative like that) while I was busy working on some drinks. The gift turned out to be a little bib, and I was tickled when I read what it said. Here it is:
Is that brilliant or what?! I love it! Katrina said she just couldn't resist getting it for me, since the baby WILL, of course, be the "star" of my blog (just like big sister Rylee already is). It was so sweet of "Aunt Nina" to get that for her "nie-phew" (she said that's how she's going to refer to the baby until she knows if it will be another niece or her FIRST nephew... I thought that was pretty funny). Thanks, Katrina!
I took my second belly picture today. I don't think there's really a point for me to take one every week for the first few weeks at least, because I highly doubt there'll be a noticeable difference. Nevertheless, I'm going to try to take a picture every week for comparison and blogging. Here we are today:
I reckon that's about all I've got for this post. My first doctor appointment with Dr. Dupre is a week from tomorrow (June 6th), so I'm looking forward to that. Hopefully we'll get to hear the baby's heart beat again. One of the most precious sounds in the world. Until next time...

1 comment:

Leah Blanton said...

I'm gonna go with boy, being that all I could stand in the beginning was chicken. Still to this day, I prefer it over red meat (which is unusual for me).