Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Beginning of a New Story

When I wrote the post about my pregnancy with Rylee just a couple weeks ago, I had no idea this post would be following it. I have been waiting over a week to write this particular post. It has been a long week-plus, and I'm so glad I can finally share this...
On Sunday, May 15, Rylee turned 11 months old. On Saturday evening, May 14th, I took a home pregnancy test, and we found out that our baby girl is going to be a big sister. Yes, for real. I just can't believe it. I knew I had been experiencing several pregnancy symptoms (thus the reason I took a test), but it was still surreal to see a positive result show up so quickly. I was shocked. I hollered to Jordan, and as soon as he walked into the bathroom, I started sobbing. I really don't know what all I was feeling at that moment, but to be honest, I don't think joy or excitement was one of the emotions flooding through my body. I was just flat-out shocked. Probably scared. Probably thinking, "How did this happen?" (Yes, I KNOW how it happened... but you know what I mean.) I know I was freaking out, thinking, "How am I going to take care of two kids under the age of two?" Of course I immediately called my mom, and as soon as she answered the phone and heard me crying, she knew what was going on. As usual, she reassured me that everything was going to be fine.
Here's the pregnancy test I took that Saturday night:
I had to wait until Monday morning (May 16th) to call my OB/GYN's office to schedule an appointment (since they only take calls for emergencies on the weekends), which was torture. I was just so anxious to get there and have an ultrasound done to make sure everything looked okay so far. I called the office as soon as the clock hit 8 (the time the office opens) on Monday morning, but no one answered. More torture. I ended up having to call back two or three more times before I finally got to speak to somebody. I explained that I had taken a home pregnancy test on Saturday evening, and that it was positive. The receptionist asked me when the first day of the last cycle that I had was, and I told her it was March 27. (That was THE ONLY cycle I have had since Rylee was born. Go figure.) She said that, based on that date, I was approximately 7 weeks pregnant, so I couldn't come in until the next week for the ultrasound, so the baby would be a little more developed. MORE TORTURE. I really thought they would want me to come in that day, or at least sometime that same week, simply because that's how it was when I found out I was pregnant with Rylee. (But when I found out I was pregnant with Rylee, I was already approximately 8 weeks along... thus the reason they had me come in right away. I just didn't realize that's how it worked.) Anyway, I scheduled an appointment for the routine blood work and an ultrasound for the following Monday, May 23rd (which was yesterday) at 1 in the afternoon. I had to work from 7-12 that morning, so it was the soonest appointment afterward that I could get.
I was pretty bummed that I had to wait an entire week before I could have the ultrasound done. I just wanted so badly to know that everything looked okay. I also wanted to know how many babies were inside of me. I know it might sound a little silly, but for some reason, I had a feeling that it was twins. My husband, Jordan, has a twin sister, so it wouldn't completely shock me if we had twins, but I never got that feeling when I found out I was pregnant with Rylee. Like I mentioned in my previous post, I knew from the beginning that she was a girl, and in a way, I thought I had that same type of feeling about this pregnancy - but that there were going to be TWO babies instead of just one. It was seriously freaking me out a little, but after a couple of days, I actually started to get used to the idea of there being two babies inside of me. I would even automatically say "babies" instead of "baby" when referring to my pregnancy.
Anyway, I finally made it through the week, and Monday (yesterday) rolled around. Jordan went with me to my appointment, and thankfully, they called me back just a few minutes after we arrived. The technician got me set up for the ultrasound, and as soon as she began it, we saw the little "blob".
There really is another baby in my belly. I told the technician how I had been feeling that there were twins, so she looked around really good to make sure there wasn't another one hiding somewhere, but there's only one, which is fine with me. (I think the reason I had twins on my mind so strongly is because one of my favorite blogs that I follow, In This Wonderful Life, is written by a woman named Megan (whom I don't personally know... I just came across her blog one day and got hooked) who has PCOS like me. She is currently pregnant with twins - a boy and a girl -, and I check her blog every day for the latest updates on her pregnancy.) Anyway, the technician took measurements of my baby, and determined that he/she measured a week less than what I was estimated to be at. So, instead of being 8 weeks and 2 days pregnant today, I am 7 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I was kinda bummed about that too, but it's really no big deal at all - just means I have a week longer to go than we first estimated. It also bumped my due date back a week. My original estimated due date was January 1, 2012 - New Year's Day. Pretty cool. My due date now, however, is January 8, 2012, which is only two days after Jordan's birthday. He's really hoping the baby will be born on his birthday. We'll see how that goes. My favorite part of the ultrasound was seeing and hearing the baby's heart beat. It was nice and strong at 133 beats per minute. The technician said that, so far, everything looks great.
So, here we go again. Baby #2 is on his/her way. I still can't believe I'm on this journey again. I really didn't think it would happen so fast - it wasn't in my "plan" to have another baby so soon after Rylee, but I'm really beginning to get the idea that God gets a good laugh out of my "plans". I'm just thankful that He is constantly reminding me that HE is in control, and He's not going to let PCOS get in the way of me having children. That is such a blessing.
I would say my pregnancy symptoms are pretty much in full swing now. I have been experiencing mild to moderate nausea on and off throughout the day for about two or three weeks now, but so far, it hasn't been bad enough to send me running to the bathroom, thankfully. I'm praying it doesn't get any worse, and that it will go away completely in a few weeks like it did when I was pregnant with Rylee. I have also been VERY tired and have had very little energy for the past few weeks. I just haven't felt like doing much of ANYTHING. That was probably my biggest giveaway that, yeah, I think I might be pregnant. Just like when I first found out I was pregnant with Rylee, I went from basically never taking a nap during the day to HAVING to take a nap several days in a row. I was just so exhausted. Some days have been better than others, and some days, I literally haven't had time to take a nap (like yesterday, for example), but so far, I'm hanging in there. I will definitely be thankful when my energy level picks up a bit again. I've also started having cravings for stuff, but nothing too major to make me go crazy if I don't get it. I have noticed that I apparently have expensive taste in the things I crave. For example, right now, I could REALLY go for a nice, big, juicy steak, smothered in ranch dressing. I could also really go for a yummy Italian dish from Olive Garden. I have had those two cravings for at least two or three days now. We'll see if/when I ever get to satisfy them. One other symptom that I've noticed - one that I did not have during my pregnancy with Rylee - is that my sense of smell has heightened. So far, that doesn't seem to be a problem, because none of the smells - even Rylee's dirty diapers, which I can now smell a room or two away - have made me sick... so far. I'm hoping that doesn't change.
I took my first belly picture last night, and since I've got this blog to document my pregnancy journey, I think I just might take a belly picture every week to post with weekly pregnancy updates. We'll see if I can keep up with that... For now, here is my first belly picture:
I reckon that's all I've got for now. Please keep me, the baby, and my family in your prayers as we begin this next chapter in our lives. It should definitely be interesting, but I know it'll be fun and full of joy and blessings!

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