Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

The picture above was taken last year on Sunday, May 9. It was Mother's Day. I was 34 and a half weeks pregnant at the time. Today, a year later, I am blessed to have a healthy, beautiful, almost-11-months-old baby girl in my life. Rylee changed my entire world by making me a mommy, and I can't imagine what I would do or who I would be without her. I thank God every day for giving me such an incredible blessing, and for entrusting her to me. It is truly an honor and a privilege to be a mommy.
This morning, my sweet hubby made me cheesy eggs and bacon for breakfast, and presented me with a card that he made on behalf of him and Rylee. It was so sweet. This is what the top half of the card said:
"I love you so much. I really appreciate all you do around the house and with our most beautiful, precious Rylee. Happy 1st Mother's Day! Love, Your Husband"
And the bottom half of the card said this:
"I know I scream, cry, stink, hit, and bite, but I love my mommy. I also smile, laugh, crawl, and kiss. I love my mommy. I couldn't ask for a better Mommy or role model. Thank you for helping me grow and always loving me no matter what. Love, Rylee. P.S. From Daddy (This is what Rylee told me to write.)"
Isn't that precious? It made me cry (of course).
They also got me a hummingbird feeder and a little flower pot with a pretty pink begonia in it. Here are a few pictures of me, my sweet girl, and my husband today after church, as well as a picture of the stuff Jordan and Rylee gave me for Mother's Day this morning:

1 comment:

Nancy Hood said...

I love love love this new background and your header. Rylee is beautiful :)