Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Let The Baby-Proofing Begin!... and Other Updates

Rylee is quickly coming into her toddler stage, and I can already tell I am REALLY going to have my hands full with her. She's still not full-out crawling yet (she's doing more of an army crawl on her belly... it sometimes looks like she's trying to swim across the floor), but she can roll to whatever she wants to get to quicker than I can run to catch her sometimes. She is also beginning to pull up on things and, subsequently, pull things down. The other day, I finally broke down and started the house baby-proofing process (technically all I did was put some plugs in a few of the wall outlets she can get to now, but still... the process has begun). Unfortunately, one of the biggest things in our house that we can't really "baby-proof" is our fireplace hearth. Rylee LOVES rolling over to the fireplace, pulling up on the edge of the hearth, and gnawing on it. I can't keep her away from it (the second I move her away from it, she starts rolling and "swimming" over to it again), and I'm concerned that she's going to pull up on it, lose her leverage, and slam her head/face on the edge of it. She has already bumped her head on it a couple of times, but just hard enough to make her fuss a little. I just don't want her to really get hurt, so I try to keep a close eye on her when she's near it. Here are a few pictures I snapped of her on Thursday playing by the fireplace. See how happy she is?

(The dark spot on the fireplace by her hand is where she was gnawing on it.)
I just LOVE that big smile of hers!
In other news, I've been sick for over a week now. I think it all started last Thursday or so, when I woke up and noticed I had a sore throat. By that night, I had drainage in my throat, and therefore had a terrible night of sleep, and it has just carried on since then. I went through a sore throat, drainage and congestion, and a stuffy/runny nose. About three days into it, I developed a cough, and although I was taking some over-the-counter children's Sudafed (hey... I have a hard time swallowing pills, people. AND there are only certain medications I can take since I'm still breastfeeding. Sorry if that's TMI, but I'm just saying...), the cough wouldn't go away and more or less got worse. Yesterday morning, I called my mom, and she came over and pretty much pushed me out the door to Pri-Med. I might be an adult now, but I guess sometimes I still need my mommy to make me go to the doctor. (Thanks, Mom! I love you!) Anyway, I called ahead to schedule an "appointment" (supposedly it helps you get seen quicker... I think NOT), and after waiting for like an hour and a half, I finally got called back. The doctors swabbed my throat (GAG!) to check for strep and stuck two different sticks WAY up my nose (VERY uncomfortable!) to check for flu and RSV. Thankfully, all of those tests came back negative. Then they wanted to do a chest X-ray to check my lungs and such, but first they made me take a pregnancy test. It, of course, was negative (NO surprise there, but a relief nevertheless), and I guess everything looked good on the X-ray as well. They ended up diagnosing me with an upper-respiratory infection and a sinus infection. They said it was a good thing I did finally come in, because I was right on the verge of developing bronchitis if I didn't get some prescription medication in me quick. They prescribed me Amoxicillin to take three times a day for ten days, so hopefully after that, I'll finally be all better. (By the way, I got my prescription for free from Publix! They have a free prescription program, and Amoxicillin is one of the qualifying medications. Thank you, Publix!)
Anyway, I reckon that's about all I've got for now, but I did want to share one more picture from March 5. Jordan's older brother, Aaron, lives in North Carolina, but he and his fiancee, Carrie, came down to visit for a couple of days last weekend, so Rylee finally got to meet him. (It was actually only the second time I'd even seen him... he hasn't been "home" since before Jordan and I got married. It was the first time any of us met Carrie.) Rylee actually responded well to him, letting him hold her for a while without fussing or anything. She also liked Carrie, who let her play with her keys. Here are a couple of pictures from our visit with them:
Jordan, Rylee, and her uncle Aaron
Rylee playing with Carrie's keys

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