Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Have a Nine-Month-Old

Yesterday, Rylee turned nine months old. That means that in just three short months, I will have a one-year-old. I don't even want to think about that right now. It never ceases to amaze me how fast time has flown by since she was born. I am really doing my best to truly treasure every second I get to spend with her (even the seconds when she wakes up screaming in the middle of the night...). I am learning more and more every day to never take my time with her for granted. She is such a blessing, and I am so thankful God chose me to be her mommy.
Yesterday was Rylee's nine-month check-up with her pediatrician. As always, it went very well, which makes this mommy happy. When the nurse first called us back, she led us into one of the lab rooms to prick Rylee's finger for some blood. I fully expected Rylee to scream once she realized what happened, but she didn't even flinch. She just looked at the nurse as if to say "What did you just do to my finger?" I was so proud of her. When the nurse finished getting the blood she needed from Rylee's finger, she put a tiny band-aid on it to stop the bleeding. Then another nurse took us to another room to get Rylee's measurements and wait on Dr. Trumbull. She weighed 18 pounds, 11 ounces, and she was 28 inches long. While we were waiting for the doctor, Rylee played on the table (she loves the sound the paper they cover the table with makes when she crinkles it up). She also kept sticking her finger with the band-aid on it in her mouth. (After we left the doctor, I made a quick trip to Publix for some diapers, and when we got there, I noticed her band-aid was no longer on her finger. I couldn't find it anywhere, and considering the fact that I couldn't keep her fingers out of her mouth, I'd be willing to bet money that she swallowed it. I called the doctor to make sure there was nothing I should do or be concerned about, and thankfully the nurse said it shouldn't bother her at all.) Anyway, Dr. Trumbull finally came in and looked Rylee over, and as usual, he was very pleased with how she's doing. He challenged us to work with her more on learning to drink from a sippy cup (she has one, but I haven't given it to her much yet; she likes to chew on it more than drink from it) and eating more solid foods (ground beef, lunch meats, crackers, mashed potatoes, soft fruits and vegetables, etc.). She needs to get used to more food textures. It's so crazy to me that she can eat "real people food" now. Where did my baby go?
I intended to take some pictures of Rylee at the doctor yesterday, but I accidentally left my camera in the car. I did take some pictures of her using my cell phone, but I can't figure out how to upload them from my phone (it apparently requires a software I don't have... or something like that). If I figure out how to get them, I'll add them later, but for now, here are some pictures I took of her after we got home from the doctor:

"No, Mommy... I'm not chewing on the fireplace AGAIN..."

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