Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Monday, July 4, 2011

Swinging, Swimming, and More

I have been a rather terrible blogger lately. I've had plenty to post about the last few weeks, but I just haven't had the time or felt like taking the time to actually sit down and write lately. I'll keep saying to myself, "I'll just post about this tomorrow," and then tomorrow comes, and I'll put it off another day and so on. Now I've got three or four things I need to post about all in one. So here it goes.
First of all, Rylee and I went to Peach Park with my parents and sister this past Thursday, June 30th (four days ago). Jordan had to work (as usual), so unfortunately, he wasn't able to go with us. We all ate dinner there (chicken fingers, pulled pork, waffle fries, etc.), and then we walked around for a while and went to the playground area before going back inside to get some homemade ice cream for dessert. While we were outside on the playground, Rylee got to have some fun in a swing for the first time. She thoroughly enjoyed it. I took some pictures of her in the swing, and I also shot a video of her. On a normal day, I would include both the pictures and the video in this post, but to be honest, I don't feel like sitting here all night waiting for the video to upload, so I'm just going to share the pictures. If you're one of my Facebook friends, you can view the video on my profile. Anyway, here are the pictures I took of Rylee at Peach Park, swinging for the first time:

The next day, Friday, Rylee and I went over to my parents' house for a while in the late morning/afternoon to visit with my mom and sister and go swimming. It was Rylee's first time in a pool, and I was anxious to see how she'd do. Thankfully, she loved it. She didn't fuss at all, and she even kicked her feet a little bit. I was so proud of her. Here are the pictures I took during our time at the pool:
Aunt Mana and Rylee, ready to go swimming
Rylee swimming with Nana

my adorable water baby
giving Nana a kiss
chilling out on the pool steps with Nana
Later that afternoon, Rylee and I met Jordan in Prattville when he got off work so the three of us could head to Montgomery to visit some friends of ours in the hospital who just welcomed their third little girl, Jovie, into the world on June 30th. We had a nice visit with them, and of course I enjoyed getting my hands on a baby for a while. I can't believe I'm going to have another baby of my own again in just six "short" months. Here are a couple of pictures of me and sweet baby Jovie:

Saturday was a pretty laid-back day.
Yesterday, Sunday, we went to church (thankfully, I was feeling well enough to go), and afterward, we had lunch with Jordan's aunt and uncle. The rest of yesterday was pretty relaxing. Jordan and I actually played a couple of board games (Battleship and Mall Madness. Yes, I said Mall Madness) together last night after we put Rylee to bed, which was fun. We haven't done that in forever. I beat him at both games.
Today, on our great country's Independence Day, we had lunch with Jordan's family, and then we went to my parents' house later in the afternoon to go swimming and eat dinner. It was a nice day spent with loved ones.
Yesterday, I entered my 13th week of pregnancy (the last week of my first trimester - yay!), but I want to wait until tomorrow to do my "update post" because I have a check-up with my OB/GYN tomorrow. So, be on the lookout for a post tomorrow with a new belly picture (taken yesterday) and updates on how I've been feeling and how the appointment goes. We should get to hear our little miracle's heartbeat again. Can't wait.
Be back tomorrow.

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