Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Sunday, July 17, 2011

15 Weeks

Today, I am 15 weeks pregnant. The weeks are slowly but surely passing by. I say "slowly", but in some ways, I really can't believe I'm already 15 weeks. I stay so busy keeping up with Rylee that my days tend to run together, and before I know it, it's Sunday again. Yay for Sundays!
I don't really have too much to write about in this week's update, because I don't think too much has changed yet (since last week's update).
As I have already mentioned, my nausea started wearing off a week or two ago, so overall, I've been feeling much better, allowing me to finally get stuff done here and there (I have loved my "nesting" kicks so far). I do still get nauseous every now and then, but not near as often, and not near as badly, as long as I stay on top of eating regularly.
I take a nap during the day when needed (when Rylee's napping, of course), but not every day anymore (although some days I miss a nap when I really could use one).
Thankfully, I still haven't had any major trouble with my sciatica. Every now and then, depending what I'm doing (usually when I'm laying down), I'll move a certain way and feel a bit of pain, but so far, it hasn't been bad enough to make me literally scream out loud like I often did when I dealt with it while pregnant with Rylee. That was NOT fun, and I pray it doesn't get that bad again. Time will tell.
I have to visit the bathroom pretty often (to pee) during the day (definitely more often than I usually go), but so far, I haven't started waking up in the middle of the night to go. We'll see how much longer that lasts.
I'm still sleeping pretty well overall, but I sure wish I didn't toss and turn so much. I usually sleep on my left side, my legs tucked up towards my belly a bit, with a body pillow between them, and I stay that way all night. Since I got pregnant, though, I am constantly flipping from side to side, and it frustrates me, simply because I don't understand why. I'm not feeling uncomfortable yet, so I don't know why I feel the need to keep changing positions. Oh well. I can't help it, apparently, so there's no sense in dwelling on it.
With each passing week, I get more and more anxious to start feeling the baby move and to find out if "it" is a boy or a girl. I don't think I've felt any movement yet (it's still a bit early), but every now and then, I'll feel a little something and wonder if it was the baby or just "bubbles". When I was pregnant with Rylee, I didn't start feeling her move until I was around 18 or 19 weeks, and even then, I didn't know for sure it was her until we had the ultrasound done at 20 weeks and saw her moving around while I was feeling movement. Until that point, I was confused, because the movement didn't feel like a "butterfly", as most people describe it. To me, it felt like gas bubbles moving around in my belly, and I had never heard it described like that before, so that's just what I thought it was - gas bubbles. I didn't think it was really Rylee. Now, I know a little more of what to expect, so I'm hoping maybe I'll notice the movement a little sooner this time. We'll see.
I don't know if I've gained any weight since my last doctor's appointment (remember, I weighed 105lbs. then, which was two pounds less than I weighed at my first doctor appointment) because, although we do have a scale in our bathroom, I really don't get on it much (not that I'm afraid to see the number staring back at me), and even if I do, I think our scale differs a pound or two from the scale at the doctor's office, so it wouldn't be very accurate. I'll be interested to see if I've gained any weight (and how much) at my upcoming appointment.
My next doctor appointment is two weeks from tomorrow (August 1st), and the appointment to have the ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby should be four weeks after that, so, although we don't have it scheduled yet (we'll do that after our appointment on the 1st), I'm expecting it to be on the 29th. I wish I could just fast-forward to that day so we can know. I know it's silly, but I feel like a child counting down the days to Christmas or something. I am just so excited to find out what this little miracle is. I want to be able to start calling "it" by a name (yes, unless something changes - and I'm not planning for anything to - we have names picked out). I am still REALLY hoping it's a boy, but I know once we find out what it is, I'll be happy and excited no matter what. I just hope Jordan will feel the same - he wants a boy desperately! (I know he'll be happy too - he wanted Rylee to be a boy, but he wouldn't trade her for anything in the world now.) When we do find out if the baby is a boy or a girl, I really want to have a little "gender reveal" dinner or something with our families and maybe a few close friends, but I'm not sure if we'll do that or not. Knowing me, I probably won't be able to wait to start telling people. We'll just have to see. We still have a few weeks to decide/plan.
Anyway, I guess that's about all I have for this week's update. Maybe I'll have something new to mention in next week's update. For now, here are me and Baby at 15 weeks:

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I know they always say you feel your first baby kick later than your second, but I felt Ian moving at 14 weeks and by 17 weeks it was VERY hard kicks. With Anna I didn't feel ANYTHING until I was 20 weeks pregnant. My doctor said its because girls are calmer lol. Even after I started feeling her move it was nothing like it was with Ian. Can't wait to find out if its a boy or girl. I am always great at predicting what everyone else is having but I swore Ian was a girl up until he was born and I just knew Anna was a boy LOL