Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Date Night/ 16 Weeks

Yesterday afternoon, my mom came over to watch Rylee for Jordan and me so we could go out on a little date. We haven't been out since we got home from our vacation to Tennessee over a month ago, so I was ready for some one-on-one time with my hubby again.
First, we went to the movies to see the last Harry Potter film. Although not a big deal to most people, this was quite a treat for us, because we haven't been to the movies in probably over two YEARS (since before I even got pregnant with Rylee). We love to go to the movies, but it has just gotten so expensive these days, it's ridiculous. A few months after we got married, we decided we would just get a Netflix account. I don't mind waiting a few months for a movie to come out on DVD before I can see it... I'm not going to spend $10 to watch a movie ONE time. However, since we were on a date, and it is the LAST Harry Potter movie, we knew it would be exciting to see it on the big screen. Even still, we made sure to take advantage of our local theater's super bargain matinee showing, so our tickets only cost $5 a piece. Here's a picture I snapped of Jordan and me in the theater, waiting for the movie to start:
The movie started at 4:45pm, and we got out of the theater just after 7pm to head to dinner. We went to Las Casitas, a yummy Mexican restaurant just minutes from the theater. I can't remember what Jordan ordered (we never get exactly the same thing), but I ordered my "usual" - a chicken quesadilla with chopped tomatoes, sour cream, and enchilada sauce on the side. I put the tomatoes and sour cream inside the quesadilla, and then pour the enchilada sauce all over it, and it is SO yummy. If you've never tried it like that before - and you like that stuff - DO IT!
After dinner, we stopped by Walmart really quick (hey, it's not a real date if you don't end up at Walmart at some point, right?) to buy some NUK Gerber Graduates bowls and sippy cups for Rylee (I had coupons for them), and some socks for Jordan. Then we headed home. We had a nice time out together; hopefully we can do it again soon. (Special thanks to my mom for watching our girl for us!)

Now on to part 2 of this post...
Today, I am 16 weeks pregnant with "Baby Price #2". I wish I had a sweet little nickname for the baby, but sadly, I just don't. I don't really like "Peanut" or "Bambino" or any of the other common nicknames that pregnant women tend to call their babies, and nothing has just come to me that feels right. I guess I like to know the personality or know what the baby looks like before I can assign a nickname that feels right to me. Maybe I'm just not very creative... I don't know. I don't remember ever having a nickname for Rylee while I was pregnant with her, either. At this point, I reckon I might as well quit worrying about trying to come up with a nickname and just wait until we find out if it's a boy or a girl next month. Then, I can just start calling him/her by an actual name.
I still don't think too much has changed since my last pregnancy update post, other than the fact that my stomach is continuing to grow (of course). I have a noticeable little baby bump now, which you will see in the belly picture I upload at the end of this post. Most of the time, I actually look much bigger than I do in my belly pictures, because my stomach blows up like a balloon when I eat. It did the same thing when I was pregnant with Rylee. It's pretty funny.
I'm feeling pretty good lately, overall. I rarely get nauseous anymore (thank you, Jesus!).
I still like to take a nap if/when I can, but I usually only end up taking about 2 or 3 a week.
My sciatica is still behaving for the most part... for now.
I have gotten a few headaches over the past week or two (including yesterday) - a common symptom of pregnancy. They haven't been too terrible, but still bad/annoying enough so that I broke down and took some Tylenol.
I lose count of how many times I go to the bathroom during the day, but so far I'm still sleeping through the night (except for when I wake myself up by tossing from side to side).
I don't know what I'd do without my body pillow. I started sleeping with it when I got pregnant with Rylee to help support my back and knees as my belly got bigger, and I haven't slept a night at home without it since. I think Jordan gets a bit jealous of it sometimes because I'm always wrapped around it instead of him. (Just kidding... sort of...)
I am still wondering if I have started feeling the baby move a little bit here and there. I mean, I know the baby is moving PLENTY, but I don't know if I'm actually feeling it yet. I know I'm feeling something, but I'm not sure if it's actually the baby, or just stuff in my stomach moving around as usual. It's really hard to tell in these early weeks. I really do think I might have felt little baby movement a few times, though. I'm just looking forward to a few more weeks down the road when I can feel something and say, "Oh yeah, that was DEFINITELY the baby." I know I say this in pretty much every post, but the movement is by far my favorite part of pregnancy, and I can't wait to start being kicked and jabbed all over the place - even if it is a bit uncomfortable sometimes. It's totally worth it.
Anyway, I think that's about it for now. Here are me and Baby today:
See the little bump? Ain't it cute?!

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