Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I've Been Adopted

Well, one week before we're due to move, two young cats have shown up at our house and have, apparently, decided to adopt us. Now, when I say they "showed up", I know they didn't really come far; our next-door neighbor has tons of cats (they keep breeding), so I'm sure they came from his house. But they made the venture over to our house two or three days ago, and have been pretty much camped out here ever since. Every time we open the door to go outside, they're right there waiting on us, and they practically wrap themselves around our legs as soon as we step out. We haven't fed them or anything (because, of course, that's a sure way to keep them around), but we do talk to them and pet them, and I guess that's enough for them. I'm sure they're getting food from the neighbor (or from somewhere, anyway), because, although they're small (they're still coming out of their kitten stage), they don't look like they're starving. I'm trying not to get attached to them (I've been good and haven't named them or anything... I don't even know if they're boys or girls) since, like I said, we're moving next week. Part of me wants to take them with us, though. They're the sweetest little things, and it'd be nice to have some family pets. Jordan and I have gone back and forth when talking about it, and I know we won't take them with us (after all, they're not ours to take, even though I'm sure the neighbor wouldn't miss them). We need to allow ourselves to settle in to our new home and get used to the financial differences that move will make. I don't want to take on the expense of two cats, and then not be able to afford to take care of them the way they deserve to be. Hopefully someday we can have a family pet, but it's just not the right time for us yet. So for now, I'm just going to enjoy their company when I check the mail every day, and then, next week, we'll say our goodbyes, and I'll wish them well. Here's to Kitty and... well... Kitty. (Like I said, I'm not going to name them... or is that what I just did?...) 

Here they are, waiting for us to come out and play with them.

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