Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

One Step Closer to Reality

Well, twelve days after the original closing date of our new home, we got some good news today: the closing date has finally been rescheduled for this Friday afternoon. The attorneys now have all of the paperwork and titles and everything they need, so hopefully it will actually happen this time. It's funny, but in a weird way, I don't actually feel as excited as I originally did. Of course I'm still very excited, but I guess after the first closing date fell through, it just seems sort of surreal now that it's actually going to happen. I think once Friday is here, and everything is for sure finalized, it'll hit me, and then the excitement will set in once again. Until then, we've got to get busy packing! Anyway, just wanted to give a quick update. Until next time...

1 comment:

Nancy Hood said...

Yay!! Praying that all will go well this time and that this time next week you're all settled in :)