Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Few Updates and 3 Months of Motherhood

Well, it's been a week since my last blog. I've been a little more busy this past week than I usually am, so I just haven't taken the time to post anything. I'll try to take this opportunity now (even though it's late, and I should really be going to bed) to recap everything that's happened since my last post.
For starters, I guess I'll mention the fact that I am now a stay-at-home wife and mommy. My last official day at Chocodelphia, where I worked part-time for almost two years, was this past Thursday, September 9. I worked there all the way up until I had Rylee back in June, but since going on maternity leave, I have only been back a handful of times to fill some shifts. Since we will soon be moving farther out into the country, Jordan and I had been discussing whether or not it would be worth it gas-wise for me to continue working. It was a hard decision to come to, but at the same time, I know it is best for our family right now, and I am so thankful that God has blessed us enough for me to be able to stay home and watch my sweet girl grow. I will certainly miss working at Chocodelphia; it has been a second home to me in the almost two years that I have been employed there. I was blessed to work alongside two great bosses, very talented bakers and chocolatiers, and several sweet girls who were like sisters to me. I will also miss all of the wonderful customers - especially the "regulars" - who I had the pleasure of serving on an almost-daily basis. I loved the fact that, even if I didn't know them by name, I knew them by their drinks: large decaf Americano with two pumps of sugar-free vanilla; large white chocolate mocha with extra white chocolate, seven sugars, and whip cream; large Turtle Mocha over ice with a dome lid... they go on and on, and I will truly miss making them. It will be weird not smelling like espresso every day. I can honestly say that I always did my very best to bring a smile to the face of each person I served, and many of them brought smiles to my face as well. It was a special chapter in my life - my first "real world" job - and I will always cherish the memories I made there. And now I'm starting to get emotional, so I'm going to move on to the next subject.
I went to the doctor yesterday afternoon for my annual "female" check-up. Of course I won't go into the details of that, but Dr. Dupre said my exam looked great. I've actually been on an antibiotic since Sunday for Mastitis (a bacterial infection of the breast that is very common in breastfeeding mothers). It's my second bout of it (I got it for the first time when Rylee was about two weeks old), but thankfully the medicine has been doing its job and I'm feeling much better, so that wasn't an issue of concern. The best news (in my opinion) from my check-up is that I am now back down to my pre-pregnancy weight of 107 pounds! I certainly wasn't expecting that - if anything, I figured I was going to weigh more than I did the last time when I was there in July for my postpartum check-up. Needless to say, I'm thrilled to be reacquainted with that number; now I just need to tighten up my stomach so that my figure will reflect that number. We'll see how that goes...
Tomorrow will mark one week since what was supposed to be the closing date of our new home. Instead, we are still waiting to hear when the new (and hopefully final!) closing date will be. We are very anxious to be moved into our new home and begin that chapter in our lives. Right now, we're just sort of stuck in the packing phase. We've got boxes packed full of stuff just sitting in our living room with nowhere to go, so things in our current home are a little crazy and unorganized. Hopefully everything will be finalized soon, and we'll be able to start moving. We know that everything happens in God's timing. Sometimes it's just hard not to wish that He would speed things up a bit. He knows what He is doing much better than we ever do, though, so we're just waiting for Him to work everything out. 
In the mean time, I am, as always, staying busy keeping up with my sweet Rylee. She is the greatest joy in my life aside from my relationship with Jesus and then my relationship with my husband, and I never cease to be amazed at how much I love her. I am just crazy about that little girl! I read a comment on Facebook the other day where someone said that having a child fills a hole in your heart that you didn't realize you had, and that is SO true in my opinion. I can't imagine not being a mommy now. I am so blessed to have her as my daughter. She is three months old today, which of course is hard for me to believe/accept; I actually teared up a bit earlier today thinking about how fast time has gone by so far. I had some pictures taken of her this morning by a very talented photographer, Lynne Richardson, who I currently go to church with. She did a maternity photo shoot with Jordan and me when I was still pregnant with Rylee, and she's been anxious to get some shots of Rylee since she was born. The weather was nice today, so we decided to do the pictures outside. Rylee hung in there with us for a little while, but eventually she got hot and sleepy, and she made sure to let us know she was done. We didn't get all of the shots we had hoped to get of her, so we're going to try to get together again in a couple of days to finish the "session". I wanted to go ahead and include a few of my favorites from today in this post. I'm also going to share a couple of pictures that I took of her here at home today.

Rylee's first time sitting up like a big girl in her Bumbo seat

Taking a bath to get cleaned up for her pictures with Mrs. Lynne
photo taken by Lynne Richardson (check out her website:
photo taken by Lynne Richardson (check out her website:
photo taken by Lynne Richardson (check out her website:
And this was the moment when Rylee decided she was done for the day:
photo taken by Lynne Richardson (check out her website:


Nancy Hood said...

It's never easy getting photos of little ones :) and that's half the fun. Looking forward to your move so you can take us on a tour! My love to you and Jordan and a tiny hug for Rylee.

Anonymous said...

Good job Emily! Thanks for the shout out about pictures. I do say I think I am in LOVE with the basket picture. :) LR

Nancy Hood said...

Emily, I am planning to do a post on little ones of the little ones I loved in second grade and would love for you to do a post on Rylee during the fall. Maybe have her, you and Jordan outside with the changing leaves or her with some pumpkins :) I'll link back to your site, so you'll be getting some new traffic too! Look forward to your post!