Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Preparing for Baby Ryan

We are now exactly one week away from my schedule date to be induced with Ryan. ONE WEEK. I canNOT believe how close we are to finally meeting him. This entire pregnancy has flown by to me (for the most part, anyway), but the reality that we really are actually about to have another baby is slowly starting to sink in, and it's pretty overwhelming. I have been "nesting" for quite some time now, wanting to get EVERYTHING perfect for when we bring Ryan home. It's been driving me crazy, because most of what I have wanted/needed to get done is stuff that I can't do by myself (like painting, moving furniture, etc.). I've had to wait until Jordan is available to help me. Slowly but surely, though, we've been getting things done, and aside from a few little things left to do (like clean out the truck, load up the car seat, and buy a sheet cover for the changing table pad), I think I can now safely say that we are ready. As ready as we're gonna be, anyway. I have been taking pictures of our progress with different things, and I wanted to post them for memory's sake. Here's what we've done to prepare for Baby Ryan:
Ryan's bedroom walls BEFORE Daddy painted them. HIDEOUS!
Ryan's bedroom walls BEFORE Daddy painted them. HIDEOUS!
Ryan's bedroom walls BEFORE Daddy painted them. HIDEOUS!
preparing to paint Ryan's room
preparing to paint Ryan's room
Daddy painting Ryan's room. No more hideous wall color! Yay!
Ryan's bedroom door
Ryan's bedroom door
a peek inside Ryan's unfinished room
Ryan's bulletin board
Ryan's crib, waiting for UPS to deliver the mattress
Ryan's crib, waiting for UPS to deliver the mattress
Ryan's crib is ready!
Ryan's crib is ready!
Ryan's crib is ready!
Ryan's crib is ready!
Ryan's crib is ready!
inside Ryan's closet
inside Ryan's closet (That plastic bag on the shelf is FULL of shoes of all sizes!)
inside Ryan's closet
inside Ryan's closet (All of those clothes on top of the two storage bins are clean size 0-3 month winter clothes. I just have nowhere to put them away right now, because his dresser is already full of winter newborn-size clothes! ALL were handed down to us!)
Ryan's dresser, full of newborn clothes
personalized bib and burp cloth I received at my baby shower
Ryan's first monogrammed outfit
the adorable Thirty-One bag my mom gave me to use as Ryan's diaper bag
the inside of Ryan's diaper bag
the zipper pouch to store miscellaneous items in Ryan's diaper bag
Ryan's diaper bag is packed and ready for the hospital!
The Pack 'n Play is set up in our room and ready for Baby Ryan!
The Pack 'n Play is set up in our room and ready for Baby Ryan!
the bassinet on the Pack 'n Play. All that is missing is Baby Ryan!
The Christmas tree is put up for the year, and Ryan's swing is now in place and ready to rock him to sleep!
Ryan's car seat, ready to be loaded into the truck
Ryan's towels and wash cloths are folded and put away next to Big Sister's. We're ready for bath time!
There are still other things I would like to get done before Ryan is born, but I at least feel content now that we are prepared (enough) for him. Can't wait to post pictures from the hospital and of us bringing him home!

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