Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Can You Say "Nesting"?

Here is a list (in no particular order) of things I still want/need to do to get ready for Baby Ryan:

- buy a minivan (HA! totally NOT happening, but oh, how I wish!)
- wash the car seat cover and then strap said car seat into the truck (I cannot believe we are going to have TWO car seats in our vehicle. What have we gotten ourselves into?!)
- Before we load the car seat into the truck, though, we need to clean the truck out (including vacuuming).
- clean our bedroom (which includes swapping out and rearranging our dressers and putting ALL of our clothes away) to make room for the Pack 'n Play
- clean Rylee's toys out of the bottom of the Pack 'n Play and get the changing table and bassinet parts attached to it
- wash the Pack 'n Play bassinet cover
- wash all blankets, bibs, burp cloths, towels, wash cloths, etc.
- buy a mattress for the crib
- wash crib bedding and "make" the crib (you know... like you "make" a bed)
- finish going through/organizing/putting away everything in Ryan's room
- pull out all winter newborn and 0-3 months clothes, wash them, and put them in Ryan's dresser
- get a diaper bag and pack it for the hospital (diapers, wipes, outfits, etc.)
- pack my own bag for the hospital (No, I STILL have not started packing. I know, I know...)
- wash, boil, and put away all bottles, pacifiers, breast pump parts, etc.
- wash swing cover and move said swing into the living room after we take the Christmas tree down
- vacuum every inch of carpet in our house
- and... go through EVERYTHING in our ENTIRE HOUSE, move stuff out to the shed, and take everything we don't want/need to the Faith Rescue Mission (or wherever else we need to, as long as it gets out of my house)

And there's probably a million other things that I'm simply not thinking of right now. And we've got about 20 days to do all of this in, on top of everything else going on in our lives right now (work, doctor appointments, maternity pictures, Christmas, family, etc.). I'm going to lose my mind.

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