Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Monday, December 12, 2011

36 Weeks

Yesterday marked the beginning of my 36th week of pregnancy. Yesterday was also my baby shower (as I've already blogged about in the previous post) and Jordan's Christmas party with Home Depot, so it was a long, busy day. I have gotten to the point in this pregnancy where if I do too much, I pay for it. My whole body HURTS. Needless to say, I had several of Jordan's co-workers concerned last night that I was going to give birth right there in the middle of the Christmas party. Thankfully, that didn't happen, and I did enjoy myself. I wish we could've stayed at the end and danced for a little while, but there was no way that was going to happen.
Anyway, I went back to the doctor today for another check-up. First, my doctor wanted me to have an ultrasound done to check on Ryan and see how big he's getting. The ultrasound tech took some measurements of his head and other body parts/organs, and said that everything was measuring on track except for his stomach. She said his stomach is a little big. It had me slightly concerned, but later when I asked Dr. Dupre about it, he said, "Oh, he's fine. He's just fat." Well then... there you go. Apparently, we have a chunky monkey on the way. According to the ultrasound, he already weighs 6lbs. 15oz., which puts him in the 70th percentile of growth. He's definitely a healthy boy. Dr. Dupre said we're really going to have to keep a close eye on his weight gain from here on out, though, because if it starts to look like he's pushing 8 and a half to 9 pounds, that will pose a conflict in my ability to deliver naturally since I have such a small frame. I'll have another ultrasound done in 2 more weeks at my 38-week check-up (if, of course, I still haven't had him by then) to check his weight again and see if we need to go ahead and get him out. Dupre said that hopefully his weight gain will slow down a bit now, and hopefully he won't be more than about 8 pounds or so. I'm just thankful that it sounds like he's going to be good and healthy. His heart rate was 155 beats per minute today.
As for me, my blood pressure was good as usual, thankfully. The nurse didn't measure my height of fundus today, so I'm not sure what it is, but I've gained one pound since my appointment last week, so I'm up to 134 pounds now. I am now 1 centimeter dilated, so the process has officially begun. Dupre thinks I will go into labor on my own before the end of the month, but in case I don't, he went ahead and tentatively schedule me to be induced on January 3rd. I am so excited and nervous and overwhelmed and so many other emotions all at the same time. I can't believe how close we are now. My baby boy could literally be here ANY day now. I was just thinking today that I REALLY need to pack my hospital bag. I stay so busy keeping up with Rylee and all the other things that have been going on lately that I honestly haven't even really thought about it until now, but I am REALLY starting to feel the strain on my body. I never went into labor on my own with Rylee, so I don't know what it feels like, but I also don't remember feeling like this with her. It's almost like I can just feel my body telling me that he's coming soon. Every time I stand up, my lower stomach underneath my belly hurts and the insides of my upper legs hurt and... I just hurt. I don't think my body can take this much longer. Sometimes, I think he could seriously just fall right out of me. I want him to stay in me as long as he needs to, but I am also very ready to have my body back to just myself (except for nursing, of course). I can see the finish line, though, so I'm hanging in there.
Anyway, the ultrasound tech gave me a picture of his sweet, chubby face today, but I don't have a scanner to scan it onto my computer to upload. If I can get my dad or someone to help me do that soon, I'll try to remember to post it. For now, though, here's my belly picture that Jordan took of me last night:
Until next time...

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

That sounds like a good doctor appointment. Hopefully he will be here soon and you can enjoy him all the more in your arms. Its so funny the doctor called him fat. I guess he's good and healthy in there. I had my Claire-Bear at 35 weeks and she weighed 6lb 3oz. She went into the NICU for the duration of our hospital stay. The other mothers in the NICU gave me strange looks. I can only assume because my chunky monkey was huge in comparison to the other babies. Hang in there and let me know if you need me. ((Hugs))