Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Life Lately

I feel like this blog has turned into a just-pregnancy-updates blog, and that's not my intention for this space. I really want to keep up with life in general on here as well, but lately I just haven't felt like posting much. I don't have all that much going on in my day-to-day life as a stay-at-home mommy, but I still want to do a better job of documenting even the "small" things that make for precious memories later down the road.
So, what's been going on lately? Well... we'll see how much of it I can actually remember. After all, I do have "pregnancy brain" right now. On that note, though, I guess I'll start with that - my pregnancy. Today, I am 33 weeks pregnant. I went to the grocery store yesterday, and while there, a woman asked me how far along I was. I couldn't remember. That never happened when I was pregnant with Rylee... I always knew down to the day how far along I was. Now, I'm so busy/distracted just keeping up with her every day that I am always forgetting what week of pregnancy I'm in. I told the woman I was either 32 or 33 weeks, and she just chuckled and said "I know what you mean." I checked my profile on this morning, though, and it says I am 33 weeks pregnant today. So there you go. 7 weeks left. Does anyone else think that is absolutely crazy? I have another check-up with my doctor tomorrow morning, so I'll try do my "main" update post with a belly picture sometime tomorrow afternoon/evening. For now, though, I'm just trying not to totally freak out on how close my due date is. I didn't even realize until a few days ago that Thanksgiving is THIS THURSDAY. Hello! Where on earth has this year gone?! It seriously feels like just a few weeks ago, I was sitting right here on the couch working on a blog post and watching TV, waiting for the ball to drop to ring in the new year. And now it's already time for Thanksgiving? I just really don't see how it's possible. I was told that time seems to go by faster and faster the older you get, and I'm really starting to believe it. A year has NEVER flown by to me as quickly as this year has. It's just absolutely insane. Anyway, I'm excited about the holidays, but I almost forget about them half the time because my mind is so focused on the fact that I'm going to be having a baby soon. I mean, I'm due exactly two weeks after Christmas - if I can even make it that long in the first place. This is going to be a CRAZY seven weeks, but I'm praying I can enjoy it as much as possible. That's definitely the plan.
I feel like we still have so much to do/get to prepare for Baby Ryan's arrival. We don't have a crib mattress for him yet. We don't have any diapers for him yet (and I think we're going to need some of those...). A few weeks ago, Jordan and I bought some paint for his room. I can't remember if I've posted about this yet or not, but our current guest bedroom, which will be Ryan's room once he's here, is the only room in our home that is painted. All the other rooms are either plain white (master bedroom and Rylee's room, living room, hallways, etc.) or wallpapered (kitchen and bathrooms), but for whatever reason, the previous owners felt the need to paint this one bedroom an absolutely HIDEOUS shade of red-ish, brown-ish, salmon-y YUCK. What made it even worse is that they painted a green ivy border around the top of the walls by the ceiling. I'm telling you, it was so UGLY. It would literally make me sick to my stomach just looking at it. We've lived here over a year now, and since we haven't used the room much at all thus far, I've been able to let it go. Now that I know I'll be going in there every day, though, I told Jordan I really couldn't stand to look at it anymore. I thought I wanted to paint it a light/soft shade of brown or tan... something neutral, but not just plain white. Jordan, however, wanted to paint it an actual color like a shade of green or blue. Like I said, though, I really wanted to keep it neutral in case we end up wanting to move the kids around in the future. So, we ultimately just decided to paint it white, since the other bedrooms are already white. If you want to get really technical, we picked out a gallon of Glidden's "Marshmallow White" shade. Like I said... it's white. Anyway, Jordan started painting it a couple weeks ago (I can't paint right now because of the fumes). He painted two coats (we bought a 2-in-1 paint and primer to make sure it would cover the previous color since it was pretty dark), and by the time he got to the second coat on the last wall, he was running really thin on paint. So, we ended up buying one more quart of paint to do some final touch-ups and whatnot. I'm so anxious for him to just get it done so we can move the furniture around and get everything set up. I know Ryan will be sleeping in a bassinet in our room for the first couple months at least, but I still want/feel the need to have his crib and everything set up in his room before he gets here. We also desperately need to get the closet in his room cleaned out so there's actually room for his stuff (right now, it's basically a "catch-all" closet), but we can't get it cleaned out until we get all the furniture moved back into place. So anyway, all of that has really been on my mind. I really wish I could just do all of it by myself so I didn't have to bother Jordan about it (he already works so hard all week... I hate for him to have to do all of this during the little bit of "free" time he has when he is home), but I can't. Hopefully we can get it all done in the next couple weeks. I plan to do a post with "before" and "after" pictures of the room when we are done with it. I also have hand-me-down clothes and toys I still want to go through before he's born. The list just goes on and on...
It's also about time to put our Christmas decorations up/out. Jordan was ready to decorate before Halloween! I love Christmas decorations, but I think it's a bit early to put them out before Halloween is even over. We will most likely be putting everything up this Wednesday evening after Jordan gets home from work. If we don't do it then, it might not get done at all because of the busyness of the holidays. I'm praying Rylee won't mess with the tree too much... she was only 6 months old last Christmas, so it'll be interesting to see what she thinks of everything this year. I think if we can just make it through the holiday without her pulling the tree down or breaking any ornaments, we'll have done good.
This past Thursday night (November 17th), my mom and I got to see comedian Chonda Pierce and singer/songwriter Warren Barfield in concert at First Baptist Church in Montgomery. My mom won tickets for the show from Faith Radio, and she invited me to be her "date". It was a fun evening out with her, complete with LOTS of laughs, as well as a few tears. This past week, we had several days where the weather was very gloomy/rainy, and it really affected my mood (it's amazing how a lack of sunshine can pull me down that much), so it felt good to laugh like that. Chonda Pierce is one funny lady, and Warren has a great sense of humor as well. It was a much-needed "break" for me. Here's a picture of my mom and me before the concert started:
I wrote a letter to our Compassion International sponsor child, Findley, this past week. I don't write him nearly as often as I should, and I really want to get better at that. He is such a precious child, and I want him to know that we love and care about him and think about him often. In the letter, I told him a little more about our family, and I sent him a few pictures - one of our cat, since we named her Haiti after his country; one of Jordan, me, and Rylee; and one of the ultrasound pictures of Ryan. Findley's 4th birthday is coming up on January 13th, and the one-year anniversary of our sponsorship of him is January 7th, so I'm hoping we'll get an updated picture of him soon.
My poor Rylee has been sick this week. She has a cold with a congested cough and a runny nose. She ran a fever the first few days, but I don't think she's had one since Thursday. Her nose isn't nearly as runny as it was at the beginning of the week, but she's still coughing pretty badly. I wish there was some medicine I could give her to help with it, but there's not because she's too young. We just have to let it run its course. I've had a bit of a stuffy nose for a couple days now, too, but so far that's about it, so I'm hoping it doesn't get any worse. Thankfully, even though Rylee is sick, she's still been acting pretty much like her "normal" self (except maybe a bit more on the fussy side when she doesn't get her way or something). I snapped a few random pictures of her the other day. I asked her to smile at me, and this is the face she gave me:

She cracks me up. I did get a couple of pictures of her with a real smile on her face, but she was still being silly, because she had a blanket on her head. Then she got busy "talking" on her phone. Here are those pictures:

She's a mess. But I sure do love her to death. Anyway, that's about all I can think of for now. I just wanted to update a bit on some things other than just my pregnancy (even though I still think I took up the majority of this post talking about it). Like I mentioned earlier, I will try to return tomorrow with a belly picture and an update on how everything goes at my doctor appointment. Until then...

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