Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Candace's Bridal Shower

As I mentioned in one of my previous posts back in May, Candace, one of my best friends from high school, is getting married. In fact, her wedding is less than three weeks away now! She's getting married on Saturday, December 10th, and I can't wait. I know she is going to be a beautiful bride. I've already warned her that I WILL cry (happy tears, though, of course). I was supposed to be one of her bridesmaids, but since I will only be four weeks from my due date, we both decided it would be best if I not be in the wedding party in case something comes up between now and then and I'm not able to make it to the wedding. Now don't get me wrong - I'm not going to miss that wedding unless I'm in labor! We just didn't want to take any risks. She's getting married about 3 hours (or so) away from where I live, so it'll be quite the trip for me just to get there. I'm definitely bummed I won't be able to stand up there with her like she did with me on my wedding day (she was one of my bridesmaids), but it will still mean a lot to me just to be there in the "audience" to support her on her special day. I am so excited for her and Drew (her fiance)!
Tonight was Candace's bridal shower. My mom and sister and I went, and two of my other best friends from high school - April and KD - showed up as well (among other people, of course), so I was really happy. It felt so good to see the three of them and laugh with them again. I love those girls, and I sure do miss them a lot. Anyway, here are a few pictures of us tonight:
me, Candace (the bride-to-be), April, and KD
me, Candace (the bride-to-be), April, and KD
me and the glowing bride-to-be
I will definitely try to do a post with pictures from her wedding in a few weeks. Can't wait!

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