Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Monday, November 21, 2011

33 Weeks

As I mentioned in my post yesterday, I am now in my 33rd week of pregnancy with Ryan.
Today, I went for another check-up with my doctor. All is still going well, thankfully.
I've gained a pound and a half since my check-up two weeks ago, so I now weigh 129 and a half pounds (hey, the nurse said she would give me the half of a pound instead of bumping it up to 130 pounds, so I'm gonna take it!). That puts me at a total pregnancy weight gain so far of 22 and a half pounds. My blood pressure was good as usual (98/60), and my height of fundus measured at 33 centimeters, so it's right on track.
As for Ryan, he has been extra active all day today. The nurse had to chase him around my stomach to catch his heart rate (156 beats per minute today) because he was squirming so much. He's a handful already, and he's not even here yet!
I asked Dr. Dupre when he is going to get this baby out of me. Basically, I just wanted to make sure he's not going to let me go past my due date (not that I think I'll even make it that far). He induced me the day before my due date when I was pregnant with Rylee, because he didn't want to risk letting her get too big since I have a small frame. Back at one of my early check-ups this time around, we mentioned to him that Jordan's birthday is two days before my due date and asked him if it was possible for him to induce me that day if I make it that far. We hadn't talked about it in several months, though, so I just wanted to see how he was thinking and feeling now that we're getting pretty close to the big day. He said that at this point, it's still a little too soon for him to be able to fully commit to inducing on January 6th (Jordan's birthday), because he's not sure yet if he'll be available that day. By law, the earliest he can induce without an emergency is at 39 weeks, which would be New Year's Day. We're not doing that (unless it's an emergency). But he said he definitely won't let me go past the 6th. So, if I make it that far, I will be induced sometime between January 2nd and January 6th. Of course we'll settle on an exact date if and when it comes down to it, but it's exciting/relieving to know that my doctor's not going to let me "suffer" past my due date. I'm just anxious to see exactly how all of this is going to turn out. Everyone fully expects me to go into labor on my own before my due date, but everyone also thought the same thing when I was pregnant with Rylee, and that didn't happen. So we'll just have to wait and see I guess. For now, though, I think this is about all I've got to say for this post. Here's the belly picture Jordan took of me last night:
Is it just me, or does it look like he has dropped since last week?
Until next time...

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