Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Monday, December 27, 2010

Rylee's 6-Month Doctor Check-Up

I took Rylee to the doctor this morning for her 6-month well check-up with Dr. Trumbull. As usual, he was beyond pleased with her progress. He said she's developing at an advanced rate, and she has good, strong muscle control, which leads him to believe she'll be an early walker (oh boy...). She now weighs 15lbs. 8oz., and she's 26 and 3/4in. long. I was actually a little surprised that she didn't weigh more than that, since she was 14lbs. 13oz. at her 4-month check-up (meaning she's only gained 11 ounces in two months). Dr. Trumbull explained that because she's becoming more active and mobile as she gets older, she is "working off" some of her baby fat. He said she looks and is doing great, so I'm not concerned.
Unfortunately, she had to get three shots today (the last of the vaccinations she had to get, beginning at 2 months old), so I had to hold her arms down and watch her scream as the nurse stuck my poor baby in the thighs again and again. She continued to cry, even after the nurse had finished and left the room, but I think that was to make sure I knew she was mad more than anything else.
All in all, though, it was a great check-up. I'm just so thankful that God has blessed me with a healthy baby, and that He continues to hold her in the palm of His hand and take care of her.

my sweet girl patiently waiting for her appointment with Dr. Trumbull
my sweet girl patiently waiting for her appointment with Dr. Trumbull

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