Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Monday, October 24, 2011

29 Weeks

As promised on Saturday, here I am to post my pregnancy update entry. Aren't you proud of me? Anyway, yesterday I entered the 29th week of my pregnancy. I'm telling you, the weeks are really FLYING by. I simply cannot believe my baby boy will be here in just 11 weeks (if not sooner). 11 weeks might sound like a long time to some people, but I'm telling you, folks - it's NOT. We still have so much to do to get prepared for this baby boy. We don't even have his crib up yet. I know we'll get everything done, though - I'm not even stressed about it... yet. I'm sure I can owe that to Rylee for keeping me too busy to even think about it and subsequently get stressed over it. Thank you, Rylee. What would Mommy do without you? (Goodness. I feel like this post is already so all over the place, and I haven't even really started the "update" part of it yet. Could it be because at this very moment, I'm slightly distracted watching GORGEOUS Derek Hough on Dancing With the Stars? Surely not... (And for the record, I totally think my husband is even more gorgeous than Derek is... really, I do. He just can't dance quite as good as Derek can...) Okay... back to my post now...)
ANYWAY, I went to the doctor today for another check-up and to have my blood drawn for my glucose test. Thankfully, I was able to drink all of the fruit punch flavored glucose stuff in the time I was supposed to before my appointment (okay... so technically I finished it one minute AFTER I was supposed to... big whoop). I got to my appointment about 20 minutes early. After a while, a nurse called me back to draw my blood. Thankfully, although I'm pretty thin, I've got really good veins in my arms, so the nurse had no problem sticking me. When she finished, I went back out to the waiting room until another nurse called me back to a room to get ready to see the doctor.
My blood pressure was good as always, thankfully. I've gained 7 pounds since my appointment last month (total pregnancy weight gain so far is 18 pounds), so I'm up to 125 pounds now. My "height of fundus" is 30 centimeters, so I'm still measuring a week ahead in that aspect. I'm telling you, this baby boy is getting bigger every day! (That's one of those "duh!" statements, I know, but I'm just saying...) I have a feeling I'm going to gain a bit more weight with him than I did when I was pregnant with Rylee. Guess we'll wait and see. Anyway, since I had to drink the glucose stuff before my appointment, Ryan was on a sugar high and gave the nurse a run for her money when she was trying to listen to his heart rate. He kept squirming around, so it took her a minute to finally lock in on it, but once she did, it sounded good and strong as always at 162 beats per minute. Oh, I just love hearing his heart beat... such sweet, sweet music to this mommy's ears. Anyway, one of the things I was going to ask my doctor about was if I should go ahead and get a flu shot, but the nurse ended up asking me about it while she was in the room with me, so she went ahead and gave me one before she left (I barely felt it at the time, but now my hip is pretty sore. Don't you just love that about shots?). After a little while, Dr. Dupre finally came in to chat with me for a bit. As always, he said that everything looks great and that I'm doing a "fantastic" job and that I've had a "phenomenal" first two trimesters. Guess I can't complain about that, huh? So, all continues to go well.
Now that I'm in my third trimester (confession: this fact totally caught me off guard today. I'm telling you, the weeks are seriously flying by, and I can't even keep up with my own pregnancy. I'm already in my third trimester!), I will start going for check-ups every two weeks instead of every four weeks, so my next appointment is two weeks from today on Monday, November 7th. I'll meet with Dr. Dupre as usual, but before that, I'm going to have a 4-D ultrasound done, so I'm REALLY looking forward to that. I can't wait to see my precious baby boy's face! Hopefully he will cooperate and we'll get some great pictures of him. When we had a 4-D ultrasound done with Rylee, she did NOT cooperate, so we had to go back for a second attempt. Thankfully, though, we were able to get some GREAT shots of her the second time. So we'll see how it goes with Ryan. Anyway, I reckon that's all I've got for today, so I'll go ahead and post the belly pictures I'm sure you're just dying to see... right? First is the belly picture from last Sunday when I was 28 weeks (remember, I was in Florida, so I didn't have a chance to do an actual 28-week post). The second picture was taken last night.
28 weeks pregnant (Sunday, Oct. 16, 2011)
29 weeks pregnant (Sunday, Oct. 23, 2011)
Can you tell a difference? I almost think I look bigger in the 28-week picture, but maybe it's just because my pants are a little lower under my belly. I don't know. Anyway, that's it for now. Until next time...

1 comment:

Brittany S said...

Wow Emily, I can see the difference in your belly in those two pictures. He is a growing boy!! :)