Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

27 Weeks

I hate that I'm a few days late posting this pregnancy update entry, but I've been pretty busy lately. Jordan and I hit the JACKPOT on hand-me-down boy clothes and stuff from some sweet people Jordan used to go to church with. They have two young grandsons, and they literally had to get a storage unit for all of the clothes and toys and stuff they've outgrown. So, two weekends ago, Jordan and I got to go through the unit and take ANYTHING we wanted/needed. We ended up filling up our truck's bed TWICE with stuff... a crib (thank you, Jesus!), a wagon, a Little Tykes tricycle, three or four tubs of toys to go through, a walker, a bouncer, a stroller, two sets of crib bedding, Angelcare baby monitors (yay!), several other miscellaneous things, and my favorite... probably ten tubs FULL of clothes, sized preemie all the way up to at least 12 months (I think there's some size 18 months stuff too, and possibly even size 24 months, but I can't remember right this second). There are also socks, shoes of all sizes, bibs, and hats scattered throughout the tubs. I'm telling you, we are absolutely OVERWHELMED (in a very good way) with all the stuff we got from them. I can't even describe how blessed we feel to have such loving, generous people in our lives. This helped us out in so many ways, and we are SO thankful for how God has provided for us so far in helping prepare us for the arrival of our baby boy. Needless to say, though, I have been BURIED under baby clothes the past week trying to go through everything. I am fortunate to know a few other people (my pastor's wife, one of my aunts, and one or two other people) who have baby boy clothes that they've been willing to pass on to me as well, so I'm trying to go through everything and separate what we want and need from what we don't. I have a friend who is expecting her first baby right now, and it's a boy, so thankfully I have someone I can pass stuff on to that I don't need. I've already filled up at least 10 grocery bags of clothes for her. Like I said, we have been blessed to have received a LOT of hand-me-downs recently. For the record, in case I've never said it on here before, I LOVE hand-me-downs. Basically ALL of Rylee's clothes are hand-me-downs as well, and I'm so thankful for that. It has saved Jordan and me a TON of money (that we don't have) by not having to buy her new clothes every few months. I'm telling you, hand-me-downs have been a huge blessing in our lives. Our children would be naked without them.
So ANYWAY, that's what I've been up to lately... going through baby clothes. Now, on to the main reason for this post. On Sunday, I entered my 27th week of pregnancy. I really don't know what to say at this point, other than I REALLY DON'T THINK I'm going to make it to my due date. I can't see him (obviously), but I think I have one BIG boy growing in my belly. I know I mentioned in my last pregnancy update post that people have started giving me the sympathy look when they ask me when I'm due, but now it's to the point where they're asking me if I'm sure I'm not having twins. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten that question lately. I find it kind of funny, honestly. I got pretty big when I was pregnant with Rylee... I mean, I only gained like 22 pounds with her, but by the end of my pregnancy, I had a big ol' belly. But I was never once asked if I was carrying twins when I was pregnant with her. Now, I haven't even made it to my third trimester yet, and I already look like I could go into labor at any moment. It's just crazy. I'm still hanging in there as best as I can for now, though. My sciatica has been acting up every now and then (it was bothering me pretty bad last night), and my back in general has been bothering me a little more this week, but I think it's because I've been spending a lot of time sitting on my living room floor leaning over bins of baby clothes. As for Ryan, he has been MUCH more active this week. There have been several times where I literally thought he was going to jump right through the side of my stomach. I don't know what he's doing in there, but it really does seem like he's trying to escape already. I can't help but just laugh sometimes at the stuff he's doing lately. I sure can't wait to meet him and see who this person is who has taken over my body. Anyway, that's about all I can think of for now, so here's the belly picture Jordan took of me on Sunday night:
Until next time...

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