Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Monday, August 23, 2010

A Blog About Blogging

Well, here I am. I finally set up a blog - something I've been meaning to do for quite some time now, but never seemed to be able to get around to until today. Not surprising, considering I'm a new mommy of a now two-month-old. I must admit, as silly as it may sound, that I'm a bit intimated by this whole blogging thing. It was hard enough for me to decide what I wanted to call my blog. And choosing a layout? Don't even get me started. I must have looked at a thousand of them before I finally just picked one. Why do there have to be SO many different cute options for this stuff? It would be so much easier if there was just one option, and that was it. It would save me having to try to make up my mind - something I'm not always very good at doing. But at the same time, I guess it's fun to have all the different options of layouts and fonts and adding gadgets, and all that other blogging stuff that I'm going to have to figure out as I go. Gives me a chance to try to be creative I reckon. But the biggest thing that intimidates me is this: What if I'm not "blog-worthy"? Are other people really going to want to read about my normal, every-day life? I don't particularly want someone to come along to my blog and, after only reading a sentence or two, get totally bored and move on to another, more interesting blog. And now that I've said that, I'm sitting here wondering to myself if anyone is even reading what I'm typing right now, or if everyone has already moved on. So I've decided to try not to focus on whether or not anyone else reads this. I'm going to try to keep this blog more for myself than anyone else, but if by chance someone does come along and find my blog even the slightest bit worth reading, they're more than welcome to. I can't guarantee that I'll blog every day, because sometimes I might not have much of anything to say. And on other days, I might blog two or three times in one day. Sometimes my blogs might be about twenty different topics (basically just an unraveling of my mind at the end of the day), and other times, they'll be focused on one specific event. It'll all depend on what life throws at me. And so, with that said, I'm going to go ahead and wrap up this first blog since it is now almost midnight, and I'm rather sleepy. Like, I'm literally nodding off while sitting here typing.
Real quick, though, I wanted to mention that I took Rylee to the doctor this morning for her two-month well check-up. She now weighs a whopping 13 pounds and 3 ounces, and she is 24 inches long. Doctor Trumbull is very pleased with her growth, which makes me a happy mommy. She had to get three vaccination shots today too, though, which didn't make me a happy mommy at the time. My poor baby screamed her little head off. Which in turn made me cry. Next time I'll have to remember to take some Kleenex with me. Anyway, below is a picture of my sweet girl waiting to see the doctor. It was taken BEFORE she got her shots - thus the reason she actually looks happy. Poor thing didn't know what was coming.

Ok... now I'm really going to end this first attempt at a blog. Cause yeah - I REALLY need to go to bed. Good night, fellow bloggers. Bear with me - I'll get better at this!

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