Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Monday, June 27, 2011

12 Weeks Pregnancy Update/ Bradford Pear Tree

Yesterday, I entered my 12th week of pregnancy. I'm almost done with my first trimester (second trimester starts with week 14). Praise the Lord. When I was about 12 or 13 weeks pregnant with Rylee, my nausea finally started wearing off, and I am PRAYING that happens this time around too, because to be honest, it's really starting to get to me. I feel like I've had a stomach virus for 7 weeks straight, and that is NO FUN, especially since I have a very active one-year-old to keep up with. I also feel like I'm failing as a stay-at-home wife, because I'm not getting ANYTHING done around the house. There is so much to do, but I just don't have the energy or feel well enough to do any of it. It takes all I have just to take care of Rylee until it's time to put her down for a nap, and then I head to my bedroom to take a nap as well until I have to get her up again. Meanwhile, dirty dishes continue to sit on the kitchen counters, dirty laundry is piling up in the hampers, floors aren't getting vacuumed... the list goes on and on. Jordan does what he can to help when he's home, but he works so much and so hard, so he doesn't have much time, and when he is home, he's usually in bed sleeping (what he needs to be doing). I just don't want to be a disappointment to him, because he works so hard to take care of me, and I feel like I'm not really returning that "favor" (for lack of a better word) right now.
The last few days have been especially rough, in the way of my nausea and other symptoms. It's almost as if I'm starting to feel worse instead of better, and that scares me (because I don't want this to last the entire nine months). Somehow, by the grace of God, I still haven't actually gotten sick, but my nausea has been coming on stronger and more frequently. I have to keep food in my stomach to help ease the nausea, and usually, that will put me "in the clear" for at least a good hour or two. Lately, however, it seems like I start to feel sick again not even half an hour after I've eaten something. I like to eat, but this whole HAVING-to-eat-ALL-THE-TIME-so-I-hopefully-don't-get-sick thing is getting really old. I'm running out of things I feel like eating, and I'm running out of food in my house, because I don't even feel well enough to make a grocery list, much less venture out to the store. I ended up breaking down and calling my mom this evening after Jordan left for work, because I was feeling so bad, and she and my dad were nice enough to come over for a little while and visit with me/entertain Rylee so I could try to catch my breath. My mom also brought me some pancakes so I have something I will hopefully actually feel like eating for breakfast in the morning. (Thanks, Mom!)
I have also had some mild headaches the last few days, which haven't helped matters any. Thankfully, they haven't been severe headaches that have just completely wiped me out, but at the same time, they're just bad enough so that they're really annoying, and although I've taken medicine a couple times to try to get rid of them, it hasn't seemed to be doing the trick too well.
On a positive note, my sciatica hasn't been acting up much at all the past week, which is definitely a blessing. After the way I was feeling during Rylee's birthday party, I was afraid it had set in for good, but thankfully it has gone easy on me the last several days. I'm still sleeping pretty good (I haven't started waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom yet), but I do toss and turn constantly throughout the night now - something I don't normally do. I usually sleep on my left side - and stay on my left side all night, but now I turn from my left side to my right side, and back again, all night long. I'm not sure if I'm just getting hot because it's summer, or what, but I hope I'm not disturbing Jordan. I haven't had any dreams lately (in the past week or two) that I can remember - thankfully. They were starting to get really weird/upsetting/disturbing. (I had a dream the night before Jordan and I left for our anniversary vacation that we were walking through the Walmart there in Pigeon Forge, and Jordan walked to a separate aisle from me, and a really creepy guy on the aisle I was on tried to grab me. It might sound silly, but it seriously scared me to death.)
I don't think I've had any major food cravings lately - I just don't really feel like eating anything that we have here at home (go figure). I did tell Jordan today, though, that I would really like some fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies, simply because I haven't had any in months. I also have a coupon for a free chargrilled chicken garden salad from Chick-Fil-A that I've been thinking about since Jordan and I were on our way home from our vacation (that's what I was going to eat for lunch, but we couldn't find a Chick-Fil-A). (Just now, I realized that I just mentioned wanting chocolate chip cookies and a salad - the same two things I had an emotional break-down about when I was pregnant with Rylee, because I was craving both, and we had neither. Wow. Deja Vu.)
It's still weird/surreal to me that I'm actually pregnant again. I mean, I'm sitting here blogging about it, but it still doesn't really feel real to me. When I was pregnant with Rylee, it was a whole new experience to me, and I remember constantly worrying that everything was okay (especially during the first trimester). Now, I guess I'm just so busy keeping up with her that I don't really have time to think about it. The only thing reminding me that, yes, I really am pregnant is the fact that I don't feel good all day long. I'm looking forward to hopefully feeling better soon so I can start enjoying this pregnancy a bit more. I can't wait to start feeling movement, and to really start looking pregnant and not just fat/bloated. I loved my baby belly when I was pregnant with Rylee, so I hope I look that "cute" this time around too. Guess I'll have to wait and see.
Anyway, that's about all I can think of in the way of a pregnancy update for now. I had Jordan take a belly picture of me last night. Here are me and Baby at 12 weeks:

On a totally separate note, we had a severe thunderstorm come through our area yesterday evening, bringing with it some strong winds, and guess what... Remember that big Bradford Pear tree in our front yard, part of which fell on Jordan's truck less than a month ago (I blogged about it in a post on June 1)? Well... guess what happened during the storm yesterday...

That's right. Dang tree fell on my car! I'm telling you, that tree doesn't like our vehicles for some reason. Once again, though, we got really lucky. God was definitely looking out for us. The tree did not fall on our house (a few of them limbs are resting on our porch railing, but didn't do any damage), and although it did fall on my car, the majority of the weight of the tree (the bottom of the limb where it split from the trunk) is on the ground. Only the top of the limbs landed on my car - essentially the same thing that happened when it fell on Jordan's truck. So, my car escaped with minor scratches on the hood - nothing more. Thank you, Lord! I still can't believe it actually fell, though, although it should come as no surprise, since this is just what Bradford Pear trees do. I just can't believe the tree got us twice. When the storm really started to pick up, Jordan opened the front door so he could see what was going on, and he told me that he heard the tree limbs cracking. He said he knew it was going to come down, and sure enough, he stood there and watched it when it happened. Obviously there was nothing he/we could do to stop it at that point. Anyway, our house is fine, and my car survived, so we are blessed and thankful. Believe it or not, there is STILL a bit of the tree left standing (as you can see from the pictures). It will not be there for very much longer, though. Jordan's going to go ahead and take the rest of it down before it has the chance to fall on anything else. We will have the last laugh on this tree.
Anyway, I guess that's it for now. Until next time...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Recap of the Past Week

This past week was a bit more laid back than the previous couple of weeks, thankfully. As I mentioned in my post on Monday, my daddy stayed with us for a few days for Rylee's birthday. We enjoyed visiting with him until Tuesday, when he went back home to Florida.
On Wednesday, I took Rylee to the pediatrician for her one-year check-up. I was a little nervous about it for a couple reasons: 1) she had to get two shots, and 2) her doctor wanted her "broken" from the bottle by a year old and... well... she's not. Anyway, we got to the doctor (I was watching my sister, so she went with us, and Jordan met us there straight from getting off work), and were called back to a room almost immediately. A nurse came in to ask us some general questions about Rylee's progress lately, and then he took her measurements. She is now 30 and 3/4 inches long, putting her in the 90th percentile of other babies her age (meaning she's taller than 9 out of 10 other babies her age!). She definitely got her daddy's height! Then we all went back out into the hallway to check her weight. She is just shy of 22 pounds, weighing in at 21lbs. 15oz. My girl is getting big! Then we went back to the room to wait for Dr. Trumbull to come in and see us. Here are a few pictures I snapped of Rylee while we were waiting (I could NOT get her to look at the camera and smile, but I still think these are pretty cute):

Dr. Trumbull came in after just a couple minutes, and we had a nice visit with him. As usual, he was very pleased with how Rylee is doing, and he was thrilled to hear that she's going to be a big sister. Thankfully, he didn't get on to us about her not being broken from her bottle yet; he simply gave us some encouraging advice as to what to do so she'll hopefully be converted to a sippy cup in a few weeks. (It's not that we haven't been working with her on it; she's just very picky about her sippy cup (I've bought her three different ones), and since I nursed her for 11 months, she didn't have a bottle OR a sippy cup much at all until a month ago.) Anyway, Dr. Trumbull finished chatting with us, and then the nurse came back in to give Rylee her shots. I think I dread shots for her more than I dread them for myself. I mean, she's my baby, and she's so innocent right now. She has no idea what's coming, so I feel like it's not fair to her, even though I know she needs the shots. I'm just thankful Jordan was there with us to help hold her down and comfort her after it was all over. She started screaming immediately after the nurse gave her the first shot, and she only got more furious after the second one. Jordan picked her up as soon as the nurse was done, and he had her calmed down after just a few minutes. Her feelings were definitely hurt, though. You should've seen the pitiful way she looked at that nurse. All in all, though, it was another good check-up for Rylee, and I'm so thankful to have a healthy, growing one-year-old. I know several people who have little ones with severe health problems, so I am more and more aware and thankful of how blessed we are that Rylee is as healthy as she is.
On Friday, Rylee and I went out on the town with my mom for a while. I needed to exchange some of the clothes Rylee got for her birthday that were too small/big, and we went shopping to get her some new clothes to replace them. We also may or may not have picked out a few outfits for the new baby... and ALL of said outfits may or may not be for a boy. No, we don't know yet if I'm having a boy. My mom REALLY thinks it's a boy, though, so she doesn't mind buying a thing or two here and there for "him" if it's just too adorable at too good of a price to pass up. I just hope we're not "jinxing" ourselves by doing so (because I'll admit, I picked out one or two of the outfits we got). We're holding on to the receipts, of course, so we can exchange the stuff if need be. Anyway, while we were out, we ate lunch at Marco's Pizza. If you've never tried their pizza before, you have NO IDEA what you're missing! It is SO YUMMY! We got their Chicken Fresco pizza, but made with ranch instead of the usual pizza sauce, and we nixed the onions. It was DELICIOUS, and we ate the entire thing right there in the restaurant. Anyway, Rylee and I really enjoyed spending the day with my mom. I hope we can do it again really soon.
Yesterday evening, Jordan, Rylee, and I went to my friend April's wedding. She was a beautiful bride, as I knew she would be. Here are a few pictures I took while there:
me and my best friend KD (she was one of the bridesmaids)
me and the bride
my handsome brother and me
my handsome brother and me
Today, I am 12 weeks pregnant (last week of my first trimester - YAY!). I will try to do a pregnancy update post later tonight or tomorrow... don't hold me to it, though.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Two-Year Anniversary Vacation

(I hate that I'm just now getting around to posting about this, but I've been so busy the past couple weeks. I guess late is better than never, right?)
Two Mondays ago, June 13th, Jordan and I celebrated two years of wedded bliss together. We were blessed with the opportunity to go on a long weekend vacation to Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg. We went there for our honeymoon, and we both LOVED it, so we were very excited to go back. We decided to leave Rylee here at home with my mom - something I was not so sure I was going to be okay with. Don't get me wrong - I know she is in great hands when she's with my mom, but I had never been away from her for more than a few hours during the day. We were going to be gone for FOUR nights. Leading up to the time to leave, I would get teary-eyed just thinking about being away from her for that long. I knew I was going to miss her like crazy.
We left on Friday morning, June 10th. We got everything packed and loaded up, and then it was time to say our goodbyes. I hugged and kissed on Rylee for probably a good five minutes before Jordan finally had to pretty much pull me away so we could leave. As soon as I got in the truck, I started sobbing. Jordan asked me if I was sure I didn't want to take her with us. I shook my head. I knew I was going to miss her a LOT, but I also knew that we needed a few days away alone. Besides, with Baby #2 on the way now, that is probably the last vacation we're going to have for a LONG time.
Anyway, since I've been feeling nauseous a lot lately with being pregnant, I bought some Bonine to take for our traveling. We hit the road, and thankfully, the medicine did its job. I felt great the whole way there. Granted, I was passed out almost the entire time, but still - at least I felt good. We stopped at a Taco Bell along the way for lunch - typical when you're traveling with me. I LOVE Taco Bell, and it's cheap.
We arrived in Pigeon Forge around 3pm and easily (thankfully) found our cabin. It was called "Stream of Love". It was fairly small, but perfect for just the two of us, and very cozy. I really liked it. It had a large front porch with two rocking chairs,

one bedroom with a king-size bed,
one bathroom, and a living room/kitchen area.
the pretty fireplace in the living room
The refrigerator was to the left, just outside the view of the camera.
It also had a small covered deck off the bedroom with a hot tub, but unfortunately, we couldn't get the hot tub to work. The water was freezing cold, and no matter what he did, Jordan couldn't get it to turn on. Of course since I'm pregnant, I wouldn't have been able to get in anyway, but Jordan was a bit disappointed. Thankfully, there was a HUGE jacuzzi tub inside the cabin, so we were still able to enjoy that at least.
There was an air hockey table behind the couch in the living room, but we couldn't find the puck for it, so unfortunately, we didn't get to use it, either. (No big deal, of course, but we were both kinda bummed, because we love playing air hockey.)
We got our stuff unloaded and settled into our humble abode for the weekend. Shortly after, we were both hungry and ready for dinner. We decided to try the Tony Roma's restaurant we had seen while driving through town.
Jordan ordered ribs (Tony Roma's specialty), and I ordered a salad, steak, and bacon macaroni and cheese. It was good food, but we rarely eat out here at home, so we forgot how expensive it can be. What hurt even worse is that we later found a 10% off-your-entire-ticket coupon for Tony Roma's in one of the INFINITE coupon books floating around town. You know how I love my coupons/saving money, so it drove me crazy that we missed out on using that coupon. We would've saved about $4. (I know some of you are probably thinking, "It's only $4... big whoop." But to us, every penny counts.) We finally just shrugged it off by reminding ourselves that we were on vacation.
After dinner, we drove down the road to Walmart to grab a couple of things (and by "a couple of things", I mean that literally - we bought a box of Fudge Rounds and two bags of gummie bears, and we also went ahead and picked up Rylee's birthday gift, since I knew we'd be pressed for time when we got home).
Then we headed back to our cabin to chill out for the rest of the night. We watched some movies on TV and relaxed in the jacuzzi tub. It was nice.
The next day, Saturday, June 11, we decided to go to Wonder Works in Pigeon Forge. For those of you who've been to Pigeon Forge before, Wonder Works is that big building that looks like it's upside down.
Pretty cool-looking, huh? Wonder Works is described as a "theme park of the mind" (or something along those lines). Basically they have a bunch of exhibits (over 120, I think the brochure said) of different things to challenge/test your mind, strength, etc. It was a pretty neat place. There were some things I couldn't participate in since I'm pregnant (earthquake simulator, a ride that flips you upside down, etc.) but that didn't bother me, because I honestly wouldn't have wanted to do them even if I wasn't pregnant (except the ropes course, maybe). Below are some pictures from our time at Wonder Works. You'll notice Jordan is in all but one of the pictures. I was the one with the camera the majority of the time we were there, and like I said, he did several things that I couldn't/didn't do. He had fun.
getting ready to climb the rock wall

Look at those leg muscles! Sexy!
at the top of the rock wall
getting ready to ride the "Xtreme 360" ride
ready for the ropes course
Around noon, we left Wonder Works to grab a bite to eat for lunch. We decided to try the Old Mill Restaurant.
They have southern home-style dishes. Jordan ordered country-fried steak, mashed potatoes, and macaroni and cheese, and I ordered fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and macaroni and cheese. Both of our meals only cost $9.99 each, and I couldn't believe how much food we actually got. We were very pleased with the quantity/quality of food for the price. Needless to say, we had PLENTY of leftovers to take back to our cabin. After lunch, we walked around the Old Mill District for a bit to settle our stomachs, and then we stopped by our cabin real quick to drop off our leftovers from lunch before heading back to Wonder Works to do a few more activities (we had all-day access, so we could come and go as we pleased until they closed that night). Jordan begged me to climb the rock wall with him (he had already climbed it once while we were there that morning) - something I really DIDN'T want to do, because I am terrified of heights - but I finally gave in and agreed. I got MAYBE half way up the wall (Jordan said I only made it about a third of the way up, but it sure felt a lot higher than that) and froze. I couldn't climb any higher, and it took me a good minute or two to convince myself to let go so I could propel down. I knew I was securely harnessed, but that didn't matter. I told you - I don't do well with heights. I don't think I'll be doing that again any time soon. Anyway, we spent another hour or two at Wonder Works, and then we returned to our cabin for the evening to relax and eat leftovers for dinner.
On Sunday, June 12, we drove into Gatlinburg. Of course I had Jordan stop by a gas station for me real quick so I could pick up a newspaper for coupons. On our honeymoon, we did the Ripley's Davy Crockett Mini Golf and visited the Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies, so this time, we decided to check out the Ripley's Believe It Or Not! "Odditorium".
As to be expected, the exhibits were very interesting and strange. After we had been at the museum for about an hour or so, I started to feel pretty sick. Thankfully, we were almost done with our walk-through, because I needed to get some food in my stomach fast. I had carried some gummie bears in my purse with me, but they weren't doing the trick. We left Ripley's and quickly made our way to a restaurant a few blocks down called Best Italian Cafe & Pizzeria. I had seen it on a list of the top ten best restaurants in Gatlinburg, and I love Italian food, so I knew I wanted to try it out. All I can say is that I am so glad we did. I ordered fried three-cheese ravioli, one of the appetizers on the menu, and Jordan ordered a cheese and pepperoni calzone. The waitress brought my food out before Jordan's (thankfully, because, like I said, I needed to get some food in my stomach), and when she finally did bring his out, we both couldn't help but laugh. It was the BIGGEST calzone we had ever seen. Seriously. The thing was HUGE. Here's a picture of it (although, of course, the picture doesn't do it justice to its size. It was easily a foot and a half long.):
When Jordan cut into it, he found a delicious layer of steaming hot cheeses and pepperoni that was at least an inch thick.
The thing was a monster. Jordan was nice enough to share a bite or two with me, and it was SO yummy! He quickly got full, so there was plenty left for us to take back to our cabin to enjoy for dinner later that night. That was by far my favorite meal we had while we were there. We will definitely be going back to that restaurant next time we're in Gatlinburg!
After lunch, we decided to head back to our cabin for a while to rest. On our walk back to the truck, we passed a pretty spot with a fountain, so I had Jordan stop and take a picture of me.
We had a nice, relaxing afternoon back at the cabin. We took a nap, watched some movies on TV, got in the jacuzzi tub for a bit, and ate leftovers for dinner. After a while, we decided to drive back into Gatlinburg to get some ice cream from Ben & Jerry's.
We had originally intended to spend some time walking around town as well, because we had never been to Gatlinburg at night before, but I wasn't feeling very well again, so we decided to just get the ice cream and take it back to our cabin. I found a brochure inside the Ben & Jerry's ice cream shop that had two coupons in it. The first coupon was for buy one, get one free cones or cups of ice cream, and the other coupon was for $1 off a pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. We decided to use both coupons. We each got a small cup of ice cream to enjoy that night, and we bought a pint to eat the next day. It was a bit of a splurge, but it was for our anniversary. We made our way back to the cabin, ate our ice cream, and went to bed.
The next day, Monday, June 13th, was our two-year wedding anniversary. We decided to go to the Titanic attraction in Pigeon Forge.
When we were in Pigeon Forge for our honeymoon two years ago, the exhibit was still being built, so I was excited to get to visit it this trip. It's a museum with over 400 artifacts, including dishes, pictures, and letters that were all, at one point or another, on the actual Titanic.
Upon arriving at the attraction, each person receives a "boarding pass" with the name of a real passenger of the ship. At the end of the tour, you get to find out the fate of your passenger. My passenger's name was Lillian Bentham, a 19-year-old 2nd class passenger headed to Rochester, New York, and Jordan's passenger's name was Lawrence Beesley, a 34-year-old 2nd class passenger from London, England. At the beginning of the tour, one of the guides saw my boarding pass and stopped me. She told me I had her favorite passenger on the ship, because she was a hero. I asked her how so, but she told me I'd have to wait until I got upstairs to find out. Well, Jordan and I went through the entire tour, and I never saw or read anything about my passenger. We read a few things about Jordan's passenger, which was neat, but I wanted to know what the guide was referring to when she said my passenger was a hero. At the end of the tour, we found out that both of our passengers survived, but I still didn't know what the guide meant, so I decided to track her down and ask her. She told me that, when the ship started to sink, Lillian was able to get into one of the lifeboats. There was a man hanging on to the edge of her lifeboat, but it was full, so the people in the boat wouldn't let him in. In hopes of saving his life, Lillian selflessly agreed to trade places with him every ten minutes, meaning she would let him have her seat on the lifeboat while she got in the freezing cold ocean water in his place. Each time she traded places with him, she was risking her own life, but because of her heroic actions, both she and the man survived. I thought that was a pretty awesome story.
Anyway, we really enjoyed the museum. Two of the things that really stood out to me about it were the grand staircase room and the deck room. The grand staircase room was very impressive. We were told by a guide that the owners of the museum wanted to make sure they paid tribute to the original grand staircase on the Titanic, so they spared no expense, spending over one million dollars on that one room alone. The grand staircase room in the museum was modeled from the actual blueprints of the original Titanic, so it was identical and exactly to scale. An interesting fact that we all got a kick out of was about the floor of the grand staircase room. The guide told us that at the time the Titanic was being built, there was a new, top-of-the-line floor out that was more expensive than marble and granite floors COMBINED. The builders of the Titanic knew there were going to be a lot of very wealthy passengers on the ship, and they wanted to be sure to impress them, with floors fit for a queen. The wealthiest people in the world were ripping up their nice marble or granite floors to replace them with this new flooring. What was it? Linoleum. That's right. Linoleum. Crazy, huh?
The other room I liked was the deck room. As soon as we walked into the room, we were immediately hit with the chill in the air. I'm not sure if the temperature in the room is set on the temperature it was the night the ship sank, but it was pretty chilly in there for sure. The room is dark, and the walls have small lights in them to simulate stars in the sky. The room is set up to give tourists the effect of being on the deck of the Titanic the night it struck the iceberg and sank. Along the outside railing of the deck are containers of water that is 28 degrees cold - the temperature the water was when the ship sank. Tourists can stick their hands in the water to feel just how cold it really is. I can tell you from experience that just sticking my hand in it for a brief second HURT. It really does feel like being stabbed by a thousand knives. I simply cannot imagine what it must have been like for all of those passengers to be completely submerged in that water until they died. It was definitely a tragic night. Unfortunately, we weren't allowed to take pictures inside the museum, but I would definitely recommend it to people who plan to visit Pigeon Forge.
After our tour of the Titanic attraction, we went to lunch at No Way Jose's Cantina in Pigeon Forge.
The food was pretty good, but I think we both would've liked it better if we had ordered different things. After lunch, we decided to go back to our cabin and relax. Below is a picture I snapped of us outside our cabin. It's the only picture we took together our entire time there (sad, I know).
We took a nice, long nap, played some cards, watched some TV movies, ate more leftovers for dinner, got in the jacuzzi tub again... we really just enjoyed a nice, relaxing anniversary together. We considered driving into Gatlinburg, but decided to just stay in the cabin and chill out for the night.
The next morning, Tuesday the 14th, it was time to head home. We had a great trip, but I was SO ready to get home and see my baby. I took a Bonine pill again, and this time, I stayed awake the entire trip, except for maybe half an hour. When we were originally getting ready to leave to go on our trip, we considered the idea of stopping at the Cheesecake Factory in Birmingham for lunch on our way home since I have never been there before. However, by the end of our trip, we had decided we would eat lunch at a Chick-Fil-A somewhere along the way, because I had some coupons for some free meal items, and we had already spent enough money on food during our stay in Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg. When it got around lunch time, I told Jordan to help me start looking for signs for a Chick-Fil-A. We drove and drove, and NEVER found a Chick-Fil-A. We seriously looked for about two hours, and we must have passed every restaurant known to man EXCEPT a Chick-Fil-A. It's a good thing I took that Bonine pill and we had some snacks in the truck with us, or I would've been sick for sure. Instead, I felt fine... I just wanted to eat some lunch! FINALLY, we were making our way into the Birmingham area, and we saw a sign for a Chick-Fil-A. Jordan took the exit and followed the signs to find the restaurant. He turned into the Summit shopping area, but we couldn't find a Chick-Fil-A. The next thing we know, we look up, and the Cheesecake Factory is right in front of us. At that point, I didn't care if we had to spend a little more money on a meal. I was ready to eat. I told Jordan that we were obviously supposed to eat there for some reason, because we really did not plan that and we STILL ended up there. So, instead of grabbing some quick fast food, we went into the Cheesecake Factory and enjoyed a delicious lunch. I couldn't believe how many meal options they have on their menu - it was a bit overwhelming to be honest, because everything sounded so good! Jordan ended up ordering a hamburger, and I ordered parmesan-crusted chicken and pasta. Both of our meals were really yummy! Of course you CAN'T go to the Cheesecake Factory without getting a piece of cheesecake (duh!), so we decided to order a piece to go so we could get back on the road and get home to our girl. We got a piece of the 30th Anniversary cheesecake, and oh my goodness was it delicious! (Until I met Jordan, I refused to try cheesecake (the thought of cheese and cake together just didn't sound appetizing to me). Jordan loves cheesecake, though, and he finally convinced me to try it while we were dating. I'm so glad he did, or I would've missed out on that wonderful dessert.)
We got back on the road, and finally made it home around 4 (maybe a little sooner... I can't remember now). I couldn't get inside quick enough. I opened the door and saw my Rylee standing by my mom by the couch. As soon as she saw me, her face lit up. I ran around the couch and grabbed her and couldn't help but cry (happy tears, of course). My arms had been empty for four days. She looked so different and so big. It felt so good to hold her.
I'm so thankful to my mom for taking such good care of our baby for us while we were gone, giving us the opportunity to have some much-needed time away alone together. It was a wonderful vacation, and we look forward to going back again someday (and taking Rylee and the baby with us).