Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Monday, October 25, 2010

A Long-Overdue Update

Well, I certainly didn't intend for this much time to pass before I finally got on here to post another blog. I guess the only excuse I really have (and it's a darn good one if I may say so myself) is that I have a very active, very clingy four-month-old who demands my attention from sun up to sun down. Pretty much the only true free time I have anymore is when I finally get her to bed for the night. And since that's usually not until around 10 o'clock in the evening, I'm ready to go to sleep myself. As a result, I'm way behind on all of the updates I've been meaning to post, and now I'm sitting here with my calendar in my lap trying to remind myself of everything that has happened since my last blog.
First of all, I will go ahead and let you know that I still don't have pictures of our new home to share yet. I know I promised I would post some soon - and I will - but as of right now, I still just haven't gotten around to actually taking any pictures around the house. Shame on me, I know, but I will do my best to take some soon for those of you who have been anxiously waiting to see our new home.
In my last blog, I believe I mentioned that my great-granny Flowers passed away on Sunday, October 3. Her funeral was Wednesday the 6th, and Rylee and I drove down to Brundidge to attend the funeral. It was nice to see the little country church that she served in for so many years full of family and friends who gathered to celebrate her life here on this earth. We miss her now that she's no longer here with us, but we can also celebrate in the fact that she's now with her Heavenly Father. This year has been tough on my family related to deaths. I lost my great-aunt Norma in May, my grandma Parker in August (as I mentioned in one of my earlier posts), Granny Flowers, and one or two other extended family members. Hopefully our family has reached its "quota" for now, and we won't have anymore funerals to attend for a while...
Earlier this month, Jordan had a week of vacation from UPS, so we headed down to central Florida for a few days to spend some time with my family down there. I enjoyed not only visiting with my daddy and my aunts and uncle, but also with Jordan himself. He works a lot, so I'm not used to getting to spend that much time with him. Needless to say, it was hard to come back home to the reality of only seeing him for a couple of hours a day (if I'm lucky).
We had to cut our Florida trip a couple days short so I could get back home for a doctor appointment with my OB/GYN on the 13th. At a previous recent appointment for my yearly pap smear, the "swabs" the doctor got from my cervix indicated the possible presence of mild pre-cancerous cells. Getting that phone call from the nurse really shook up my world. She made sure to explain that having pre-cancerous cells did NOT mean that I had cancer, but nevertheless, hearing that "c" word pretty much knocked me off my feet. There is a pretty extensive background of cancer on both sides of my family, so for me, it's always been more of a question of not "if" I ever get cancer, but "when". Anyway, my appointment on the 13th was basically another pap smear, but a little more "involved". This time, my doctor used a microscope so he could get a better look at my cervix. Based on what he saw that day, it did look like I had mild pre-cancerous cells, but they sent the new sample "swabs" from my cervix to the lab for confirmation testing. He told me that based on what he saw, he was about 90% sure that the results would come back as mild pre-cancerous, but that there was always a slight possibility that it could be moderate pre-cancerous (slightly worse). A few days ago, I got a call from the nurse with my results. It turns out it was only inflammation on my cervix; there were no signs of any pre-cancerous cells. All I can say about that is that GOD IS GOOD! I am so thankful to be His child resting in the palm of His healing hand. I am so undeserving of His unfailing love, but I'm forever grateful that He showers me with it anyway!
In other news, Rylee is now four months old and thriving! She can roll over from both her back to her stomach and from her stomach to her back. She has mastered grabbing at rattles and whatever else might be in front of her face (unfortunately I think her favorite thing to grab is my hair). She is drooling a lot now (I think she has started teething), and she loves to give big, sloppy, wet kisses. Every day is a new adventure with her. We started giving her rice cereal on the 15th when she turned four months old, and she's doing really well with it now. At first she didn't seem to care for it too much, but now she dives at the spoon if we don't get it in her mouth fast enough. This Friday we will start her on vegetables, so that should be interesting. Today we took her to the doctor for her four-month check-up. She weighed 14 pounds, 13 ounces, and she was 25 inches long. I was actually a little surprised at her weight, because she was 15 pounds, 4 ounces at the Health Department just a few days ago. I mentioned it to the doctor, but he wasn't concerned about it. He said she looks fantastic and is advanced for her age. He is extremely pleased with her progress, as he has been from day one. Rylee had to get three immunization shots today, which was probably just as hard for me as it was for her. Thankfully Jordan was able to go to this appointment with us, so he was able to console her, and I was able to hold myself together enough to refrain from shedding any tears. Rylee still screamed for a minute, but overall I think she did a little better today than she did at her last appointment.
For now, that's all of the updates I can think of. I'm sure I'm probably forgetting to mention something, but it's getting late, and my brain is going to sleep. As I mentioned earlier, I will post some pictures of our new home very soon. Until then, I'll leave you with a few recent pictures of Rylee.

in the truck on the way to Florida (Oct. 8, 2010)
her first time playing on her floor gym (Oct.12, 2010)
her first time eating rice cereal (Oct. 15, 2010)
after she rolled completely over from her back to her belly for the first time (Oct. 16, 2010)

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