Joshua 24:15

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Monday, October 4, 2010

Just Checking In

Hello, dear blog. Yes, I'm still alive, and no, I haven't forgotten about you. I've simply been a little busy lately, since WE MOVED!!! Yes, it's true. It's real. Sound the hallelujah chorus! Our first night in our new home was this past Friday, October 1. The next morning, I had that classic, waking-up-in-a-new-home-for-the-first-time moment where, for a split second, I wasn't sure where I was. But then of course, just as quickly as that confusion overcame me, everything rushed back, and I got excited all over again.
We love it here so far. We have SO much more space here compared to our last home; we don't know what to do with ourselves. I don't know if we'll ever get completely unpacked, because we can't make up our minds on where we want to put everything. We just have so many options here, where as at the other house, we didn't really have any options at all.
I do miss the other house in some ways, though. As I mentioned in one of my previous blogs, that house will always have a special place in my heart, as it was the first home Jordan and I shared as husband and wife, and it was the home we welcomed our daughter into after she was born. We created so many wonderful memories in that home, and I will always cherish that chapter of our lives.
In the same way, though, I am also very grateful that we have a new home to make new memories in. This is an exciting new chapter in our lives, and I can't wait to finish unpacking everything and really get settled in. I can't wait to have friends and family over, because we actually have the space to entertain guests. We now have plenty of floor space for when Rylee starts crawling. (Having said that, I am by no means rushing her to start crawling; my baby is already growing fast enough as it is! I fully realize that once she starts crawling, there's no turning back - she's going to be all over the place!) There's just a lot of exciting new stuff to look forward to in this home.
For now, though, we still have a lot of unpacking to do, while at the same time packing for our trip to Florida this Friday. We'll be headed down for a few days to visit my daddy and family.
Even before that, though, Rylee and I will be headed down to Brundidge on Wednesday for my great-granny Flowers's funeral. She passed away yesterday. Her health had been declining for quite some time now, and we knew she wouldn't be with us much longer. We will certainly miss her, but at the same time, we know that she is now resting with the Lord, and that brings a great comfort that we're very thankful for. I'll see her again some day.
Well, I think that's all the updates I have for now. I promise to try to blog again soon with some pictures of our new home (I'd like to get settled in a little more first so I'm not just taking pictures of rooms full of yet-to-be unpacked boxes.) Until then, here are a couple of recent pictures of Rylee that I took here in our new home.

napping in her crib for the very first time. 'bout time! (Sept. 30, 2010)
playing with her puppy from Papa (Oct. 4, 2010)

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